Finger and thumb

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Should the right index finger, shaft and right thumb hold firm to retain better lag, for overall feel, with power and control?
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Brian Manzella

No sir.

cgrider said:
Should the right index finger, shaft and right thumb hold firm to retain better lag, for overall feel, with power and control?

No, no, no, no, nooooooo —Ben Doyle

The pressure gets PUT on the forefinger, and on the downswing, the thumb is VERY LOOSE or just barely pushed on.
Brian Manzella said:
No, no, no, no, nooooooo —Ben Doyle

The pressure gets PUT on the forefinger, and on the downswing, the thumb is VERY LOOSE or just barely pushed on.

Where is the pressure coming from pressure point 1 with the loose thumb? Are you just considering swinging?

I believe that pressure point 1 is where the heel of the right hand meets the thumb of the left. If that is indeed the case, you shouldn't really need the thumb for pp1. You should still be able to drive it just fine with the thumb not even touching the grip, I would think.

While we're talking about it, what purpose does the right thumb serve in the golf motion? How does it help? How can it hurt?
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Brian suggested to my brother-in-law (a scratch player) that he remove the right thumb as a drill. He picked up 15 yards on his tee shot and now plays that way all the time.

He did tend to be a little flippy and maybe this helps eliminate that. Brian, can you explain why this worked?

Brian Manzella

Hello Bob....

Well Bob (and everyone else),

The REASON it works is because it TAKES AWAY A CRUTCH—the right thumb.

Throw(away)ers, always CATCH the FLIP somewhat with the thumb.

Remove the THUMB, and the BRAIN (a very important thing, that brain) GETS WORRIED that the FLIp will result in the GOLFER LOSING the club/hurting themselves/etc., so they "KEEP UP WITH IT" or SUSTAIN THE LAG.

Fear is a great teacher.

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Brian Manzella said:
Well Bob (and everyone else),

The REASON it works is because it TAKES AWAY A CRUTCH—the right thumb.

Throw(away)ers, always CATCH the FLIP somewhat with the thumb.

Remove the THUMB, and the BRAIN (a very important thing, that brain) GETS WORRIED that the FLIp will result in the GOLFER LOSING the club/hurting themselves/etc., so they "KEEP UP WITH IT" or SUSTAIN THE LAG.

Fear is a great teacher.


And, it brought almost instaneous results, may I add.
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Brian Manzella

The right thumb does have A use...

The right thumb DOES do two things:

#1. Helps support the club at the top (in less twistaway-ed tops of backswings)

#2. Reverse lag preesure on some types of takeaway
I wear my grips at the point where my right thumb rests, I assume this is what you are referring to as far as throaway is concerned? I will try the right thumb off, great thread.
Finger & Thumb

I have also noticed a wear spot on grip where the thumb rests. Worst of all I've noticed in my video from down the line that my clubshaft gets too steep on the start down [butt end pointing almost to my toe line].Would this drill help me start the clubshaft more on plane, otherwise it's down steep then a compensated move out to get the shaft back on plane. Help!!!
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