firering the right side

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Excatly what does that mean? Is it done pulling your left side or actually hitting with the right side or with a middle body pivot. One pro on the senior tour said all he thinks about on the downswing is to hit the ball with his right hip. One pro says he hits it with his right shoulder down to the ball. I`m confused I`m sure there is more than one way to start the downswing most say dont use your hands and arm so what is the concensis say?...thanks
It's just turning the right side of the body at the ball. This is something I NEVER think about in my golf swing and IMO, if you just work on foot and knee action in the swing, you can 'fire the right side' without having to think about it and are less likely to come OTT.


Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Once you get the weight of the clubhead to tip toward the ball you can send the whole right side into it......right side force across the shaft
I'm not sure this saying helps very many people. What the hell does it mean? Good question. Most Ams are going to throw the club head early anyway so they may as well throw some other parts at the ball too! Kitchen sink if you got it.

IF... you know where the club is and how to apply it, the firing of the right side from my Ballard understanding, is to keep the shoulder turn a little flatter and match up the right knee, hip and shoulder through impact. That's my interpretation. Sort of a "Carry" feel to me in Bman lingo.


My interpretation is a feeling of an exaggerated "late hit".The right shoulder and elbow feels to fire through in front of the ball before the hands do.I think this would be the epitome of the pivot controlled hands swing.

A lot of good players talk about this sensation but even for a lot of them I believe this feeling can sometimes be elusive.


thanks for the answers, what do most pro players use for their down swing? I dont think I use my right side much, mostly a left pull I must try that right side hit ( I`m just a hacker).thanks again
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