First post

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While I have been lurking around the board for a while, this is my first post. For a long time, I did not think TGM was the way for me, with all the arguments of it being too technical and too complicated. After reading these arguments on other boards, I decided to read around myself and found this site. At the time, I was battling with hooking so I bought Never hook again. While interesting, I didn't find it to help.
I got rid of the hooks and unfortunately started flipping quite badly, so got Confessions, which is a great video, but I just couldn't get it right, until I got Building blocks and read the never slice again article.

Since last November I have really been battling. I had 3 rounds of 89 - 89 - 90 and my handicap dropped to a 18. The next thing, I couldn't hit a ball. Shanks and weak fade-slices, even wedges. Since then, I haven't broken 100. In the last two weeks, I started working on the Building blocks, as well as twistaway. After I read Never slice again, I realised that that was one of my biggest problems. Today, I went out and shot a 86 (new PB) with a 40 front nine (PB).

Thanks Brian for the great articles and videos. They have helped a lot, and making them in a way a non-TGM person can understand. Keep them coming and hopefully I can soon get my handicap down to my goal (10). I just with I could find a instructor like you here in South Africa.:(

Brian Manzella

Thanks, Shred.

You are PROOF that the programs are ALL valuable and you never know how they will "work into your game."

Keep us up to date!
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