First tournament in a long while... advice?

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Well the big day is approaching for me. It's been a while since I've entered an official "money making" tournament. My Pepsi Tour even is happening this Sunday at Longbow GC in Mesa Arizona. Weather should be fairly decent.

Right now my swing feels good, been working every waking moment I can on my putting, but trying to get myself in the right frame of mind.

What kind of things do you do to prepare for a tournament? I know how I do, but I just love to hear other suggestions. I'm really only interested in hearing from people with experience in tournament situations with real money on the line. If you are talking from a 12 handicap and won a T-Shirt because you and your partner scored a net 59, I really can't relate to you... sorry. :D

Brian Manzella

Everybody is different....but....

You are a good player. Your swing is as good as any.

You need to prepare to WIN and if you can't, make sure you score as LOW as your possibly can. No give ups. Grind like hell until your sign your card.

PICK A SHOT and play it all the way around if you can.

Plan as safe as you can and execute as freely as you can.

Tell yourself, "I am prepared to WIN UGLY."

I have full confidence you'll play great.

Go get 'em.


Be prepared to get it up and down on every hole

I know the tournaments where I have been succesful (US Am qualifiers, State Ams, State Opens, other local Am tournies) I went in with the mind set that i was going to get it up and down on every hole. I remember reading that advice from a good pro or teacher, can't remember who it was but it really stuck with me, esp. in the early holes where your nerves may be working overtime.

Can't help you with your swing or "mentals" mate, but I am a very good putter...

I have one thing that may save you a couple of strokes per round that you won't have seen anywhere else...:)
Check my profile and email me from my website address if you are interested..
Good luck BTW....
Tournament preparation

Brian's advice is good. Last December, I played in the finale of the amateur association I play in, this held on the Jackrabbit course at Champions here in Houston. I had been to see Brian only about 3 weeks earlier and while I had been working on what we talked about, I was still not swinging good at all. As a result, I had zero expectations. The first day I shot 81 with 39 putts. I was amazed after I talled everything up because I had not hit the ball all that great, except for my driver, which I actually hit okay. So on Sunday I was still not expecting anything, but ended up making birdie on 2 of my last 3 holes to shoot 72, that even with three 3 putts. This ended up being the low score for that day, and with the guys I play with I was extremely proud. My point in all this is that I really didn't hit the ball very crisply at all, except for a few drives here and there. Of course my putting left alot to be desired, but for the first time I proved to myself that at least for one day even with suspect putting, I could score. It sounds like your swing is in order, so just believe in yourself and like Brian says, just keep grinding and you will do fine.
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