First video?

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Kinda new around here. My question is this, if one was to pick the 1st video from Manzella to get, what would it be? Not interested in short game/putting stuff... more so the full swing. I am looking to be more consistent and add distance. Slicing is not a problem. Is the Flipper stuff the way to go... or NSA?


IMAWAY, if your not a flipper then i would try nsa but if you are looking for distance it sounds like you might be a flipper i was a flipper that hit stright shots but no distance i got flipper first fixed that problem even though i was not a slicer got nsa next driver distance before nsa 190-200 after nsa 230-240 with a slight draw dont let the name fool you good luck.
Totally depends on your game man.

We need more info. and/or swing video.

If you want distance NSA and/or Flipper comes to work your pivot/release and of course fix your clubface if you need it. No guarantee though knowing so little about your game.
Maybe I can post a video tomorrow...

in the mean time, a short description of my game. I would describe myself as being self taught thru Scott Hazledine's golf videos which I guess makes me a single axis golfer. Currently about an 11 HDCP. I don't do anything particularly great but nothing horrible either. Driver distance is about 250 on average. 5 iron about 180. 8 iron about 150. Short game decent, pretty good putter. I'd say inconsistency is what is holding me back... that and a couple of blow up holes per round! Neutral left hand grip, strong right hand. Ball flight varies, when playing well it is pretty dead straight. I don't have any major problems to speak of concerning hooks/slices. Occasional pulls would be one bad habit. I'm pretty sure I can put a video on youtube tomorrow.
Building Blocks warning explained

I've been away from the site, is Building Blocks getting a "bad name"? Thanks

It only has a bad name with me. I am new to Brian Manzella's teaching.
I watched NSA and Flipper and it really improved my ball striking.

Then I watched Building Blocks and I got so bad I considered giving up the game.

Then I was told on this forum that the three videos teach three different patterns.

So I do think BB's should have a warning for that reason.

I am starting to recover by just focusing on Flipper for now and getting most of the BB stuff out of my head.


I now have all the videos (I think) with this weekend's acquisition of the Building Blocks video. I think it ties all of the other Manzella videos together. I like it and wish I watched it first. IMO BB is especially good if you have the Ben Doyle GOLF video and you want to better understand it. I think BB could possibly be considered the shortened version of GOLF - but that's just my take.
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