When I make a practice backswing and check it looks great. I aim to get my hands/butt of the club at the top on a line from the ball through the shoulder socket at address position and exended above and behind me on the same plane. My cam corder is broken so I have not seen my swing on film for some time. My playing partner said my backswing had got flat and looked cramped although I am hitting the ball well. I caught sight of it today in the mirror of the range when making a real swing and he is right. I think I know where my hands should be at the top but I don't seem to be able to do it in the real swing. Brian: Do you have any little tricks of the trade to deal with my problem ? The hitting balls out of divots drill taught me how to compress the ball no problem, the hitting driver off the deck drill killed my hook but I have not worked out why it works and the bunker play tip was instant . Do you have a trick /drill for getting my swing more upright ? Thanks . Did you get my email?