Flat Left Wrist Question

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How far after impact does the left wrist remain flat? If it isn't necessary to have it remain flat throughout the entire swing (just through impact), isn't the TAC-TIC training device kind of worthless (it emits a click when your wrist bends)?
Yes, first post...just discovered this site a couple of weeks ago. By minimize un-needed motion, are you saying it stays flat all the way through the swing (no motion at all)?
Prolly best to have it flat at the top- and definately at impact and just past.

This should be a good place to start:


I've since realized that I hit hooks like this (like how Vijay and Toms look like in those pics- clubface slightly closed-looking at the top) too much so I've gone to opening the clubface more on the backswing....face a little open at the top BUT the wrist is still FLAT. Neutralish grip- maybe a bit to the weak side.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Learn to keep it flat throughout the entire stroke, then you'll know you have your left hand/arm/wrist under control.


let it start bending where it needs to naturally


quote:Originally posted by magicode

Yes, first post...just discovered this site a couple of weeks ago. By minimize un-needed motion, are you saying it stays flat all the way through the swing (no motion at all)?

For maximum control, yes, for maximum power no.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both.

Jim sums it up well.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by Non-AuthorizedTGM

Depends on grip type...weak yes...strong not as long!!!


Something that i left out that IS important. Notice how FAST Fred Couples left wrist bends? It's because of his super strong grip


quote:Originally posted by Non-AuthorizedTGM

Depends on grip type...weak yes...strong not as long!!!


To a very large degree, the entire motion is defined by grip type. Yes, I agree that strong 'may' not be as long. Transfer power has its benefits and risks.
So, increaseing the right wrist bend during backswing can lead to arching the left wrist at the top and thus a cause of hooks, smoothering the ball etc

important to maintain constant right wrist bend to the end of b-swing, takes practice
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