Flightscope acceleration / speed profile

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This past weekend saw the return of the London golf show to earls court. I managed to spend a good few hours enjoying all the latest club and equipment offerings from most of the major manufacturers. I spent 95% of my time trying out various irons and drivers on either track man 2 or the X2... It was a dream!

Anyway I managed to take photographs of a speed and acceleration graph from the X2 and a data sheet with MEASURED (supposedly) club head and ball data in the form of the gc2 mht which places 5 tracker spots on the club face which is picked up by the high speed cameras, it seemed to show all the ball and flight data of track man but in addition showed where contact was made on the face and how much toe down or up the club was. Click on the image below to see my other photo upload of this. The shots recorded from the grey row down are mine.

Can anyone provide me with a brief analysis of my accel and speed graphs shown below and what they tell you about my swing? For information purposes I was hitting a 7.5 degree callaway razr fit with a diamana 73 x stiff whiteboard.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos" /></a>
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So the graphs are useful for seeing if a shaft is suitable for a swing? What in particular does this graph indicate that tells you the shaft isn't optimal or wasn't optimal for that swing? Can someone help me with reading the graph???
Yep, these are particularly useful in club fitting. Ideally you are looking for consistent/gradual slopes with the graphs on the pre-impact side (ignore post impact). The deviations that you see in the mid points of the graphs typically indicate a shaft frequency at some point in its profile that is not optimal for your swing/release.

Just for a comparative example, here are a couple Goosen driver swings...

Interesting.... If I was to take my query even further and ask what does my graph tell me about how the shaft isn't working correctly in my swing, could you advise? I.e the shafts kick-point is too high, the shaft isn't stiff enough or perhaps I have a swing fault whereby I accelerate to quickly.

What Im trying to get at is what story is the graph telling us about what the shaft is doing and why? So yea ok it tells you how smoothly you are accelerating due to the nature of the curve but what quality does it capture?
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