flightscope driver results

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I had a driver session on the Flightscope today and would like some input.

Two results:

Block right

Launch: 17.2
Horiztonal 5.3 R
Club Path: 6.1 R
Ball Speed: 163.1
Club Speed: 110.4
Smash 1.48
Spin: 2533

Block draw right side of fairway

Launch 15.0
Horizontal 5.7 R
Club Path 11.6 R
Ball Speed 160.7
Club Speed: 109.6
Smash: 1.47
Spin: 2624

After looking at this data, what can I do to improve my accuracy? I miss primarily with a block right. Any thoughts would be appreciated!


I had a driver session on the Flightscope today and would like some input.

Two results:

Block right

Launch: 17.2
Horiztonal 5.3 R
Club Path: 6.1 R
Ball Speed: 163.1
Club Speed: 110.4
Smash 1.48
Spin: 2533

Block draw right side of fairway

Launch 15.0
Horizontal 5.7 R
Club Path 11.6 R
Ball Speed 160.7
Club Speed: 109.6
Smash: 1.47
Spin: 2624

After looking at this data, what can I do to improve my accuracy? I miss primarily with a block right. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Play the ball a little further forwards in your stance.
Srixon Z Star.

Burner, I play the ball off the inside of my left foot. I will try moving it up a bit.

Jim, sorry I don't have that data.
Your spin numbers are not that bad, but you are carrying a lot of club head speed.

Where are you aiming and what shot are you expecting (draw or straight)?
I thought numbers in the 2,xxx range with that high launch angle would be favorable, is that not correct?

I typically aim on the center line or right center of the fairway. I "think" it should turn back over, since my path is inside-to-out (irons draw) but I miss a lot of fairways right. I don't want to play the block since it will balloon and I lose considerable distance.
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A ball that flies straight off to the right with an inside out path is not a block - it is a push.

From my teaching experience, a better player's clubface will vary from 0 to the club path. You see this in the first shot, where your path and face match each other, resulting in a straight push into the right rough. The second shot has the correct 2 to 1 path to face ratio to make the shot curve back to center. I'm sure you will occasionally get the 0 face, resulting in a smother hook.

The closer you get the path to 0, the less fairways you will miss right. At 120+ mph, I wasn't getting away with even 4 degrees inside out. Many times my dead straight drive would miss the fairway, with the occasional ugly overhook. At 0 degrees path, I never miss left anymore and stay much straighter on average.
Club Path: 6.1 R
Club Path 11.6 R

After looking at this data, what can I do to improve my accuracy? I miss primarily with a block right. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Club path issues , but also depends on the face angle which is not reported here.

And you should lower the launch angle if you want optimum carry. Depending on the AngleOfAttack (-5, 0, +5) you would like to have a Launch Angle (7.7, 10.5, 13.7)
If you want optimum total length then Launch Angle should be around (5.6, 8.7, 11.1)

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Honestly, Steve/Frans are on the right track but without the true face angle and AOA it's hard for us to tell you what to do. What if your 11.6 R clubpath is from hitting down too much pushing the path further right? What if that is an adjustment to the push?
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