Flipping and Right Shoulder

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I've been trying to solve my (still very bad) flipping problem and I think one thing in particular may be helping me. I think a major cause of my flipping is that I wasn't dropping my right shoulder on the downswing enough. If your right shoulder is not low enough then you can't reach the ball with a flat left wrist and arched back right wrist so you are forced to "let it go" just in order to reach the ball. I believe by dropping my right shoulder more I am now forced to not flip since otherwise I'll hit way behind the ball. Does that sound about right?
How does one drop their right shoulder? I don't think I'm doing it.
Would it be different for a swinger and hitter?




If you move your hips correctly the right shoulder will find the right place. Does this sound right, guys?


The right shoulder drop happens as a result of another key move.You shouldn't even be focusing on the right shoulder.

Skip a stone with a right handed throw and keep the right elbow leading throughout and close to your body.The right shoulder drops naturally.This should be what the right side feels like in a golf swing.And you can still flip it if your hands are not educated.


I think the old name for a dropping right shoulder is a "caddy dip". And that bit of golf slang is decades older than TGM.


quote:Originally posted by redan

I think the old name for a dropping right shoulder is a "caddy dip". And that bit of golf slang is decades older than TGM.

Perhaps, but I have always viewed 'caddy dip' as closely related to left knee flex through the shot.


The right shoulder "drop" is purely a feel.In reality it's not going drop that much but hopefully trace downplane.Players that suffer from coming over the top and too steep will benefit from "dropping" the right shoulder down and back.

I believe the right shoulder is another illusion in the golf swing just like hands at impact.If you think your right shoulder is moving downplane it's probably over plane.That's why 90% of beginners come over the top.
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