flipping/swivel question and wrist position

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i have a question regarding flipping and the swivel. i have your dvd on building blocks as well as the flipper video. i understand the flipping concept and not trying to time it, but what i don't get is the swivel. does the swivel happen automatically, or do you have to time it to know when to start it. does the swivel in any way promote a drawing or closing of the face?

one last question regarding my hands at how they come into the downswing:
i have a tendency what seems to be not uncocking or letting my left wrist fully unhinge. seems i try to keep that right wrist bent, but at the same time it seems as if i keep it more horizontal when coming down. what should or can i do to help this. i'm not sure if i should have the shaft or wrists appear to more vertical rahter than angled.
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