I have a few questions stemming from my lesson last Saturday (I was first at 8am). We worked a lot on getting the club back on plane on the downswing and swinging more left.
1) When setting up "square" to the target line but attempting to swing more left "over" the ball placed along the intended club path post impact what caused all of the solid but "pulled" shots?
My answer: Somewhere in TGM Homer talks about Extensor Action and makes points 2) ..........extension of right arm for the follow through 3) correct rate of clubhead closing. Being underplane I can't imagine I do either of the above that well i.e. just flippin' it over
Is it possible to over roll but maintain "some" degree of lag? I mean, ball striking wise I've been hitting it better than ever and my shots have a little integrity (props to Paul Azinger for that one). Is this why you had me attempting a bunch of pull-cuts?
2) I mentioned the path pro as a potential solution to getting it more on plane on the way down but you cautioned against. Can you elaborate a little more here? On paper this seems like a good idea!
If this mess doesn't make any sense just gimme a ring
I have a few questions stemming from my lesson last Saturday (I was first at 8am). We worked a lot on getting the club back on plane on the downswing and swinging more left.
1) When setting up "square" to the target line but attempting to swing more left "over" the ball placed along the intended club path post impact what caused all of the solid but "pulled" shots?
My answer: Somewhere in TGM Homer talks about Extensor Action and makes points 2) ..........extension of right arm for the follow through 3) correct rate of clubhead closing. Being underplane I can't imagine I do either of the above that well i.e. just flippin' it over
Is it possible to over roll but maintain "some" degree of lag? I mean, ball striking wise I've been hitting it better than ever and my shots have a little integrity (props to Paul Azinger for that one). Is this why you had me attempting a bunch of pull-cuts?
2) I mentioned the path pro as a potential solution to getting it more on plane on the way down but you cautioned against. Can you elaborate a little more here? On paper this seems like a good idea!
If this mess doesn't make any sense just gimme a ring