For those with a good pivot...

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From the top of your backswing, if you look down at your left knee, what direction does it move as you start the downswing into impact? That is, does it move straight back diagonally like this: / or in a semi-circle like the top half of the letter "C" or laterally left and then back like the letter "F" (without the lower bit)?

Is it correct to think that how the left knee moves is a good indicator of how and when the weight transfer coordinates with the pivot?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Have you read brian's perfect pivot articles? All you need to know is if you are 'falling into your leftside' correctly. He has a drill in there that helps with that.
Have you read brian's perfect pivot articles? All you need to know is if you are 'falling into your leftside' correctly. He has a drill in there that helps with that.

Thanks for your reply, Jim. Yes, I have read Brian's articles (and just now reviewed them again.)

It's just that I recently had one of those Ah-Ha moments where I was able to solve a long standing error in my pivot by focusing on what my left knee was doing in the downswing. Up to that point, nothing I had read, heard or viewed, even when understood "intellectually," got through to my body. It was a real headslap, "D'Oh, this is so obvious!" realization.
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