Forearm Fatigue

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Hi Guys,

I watched Brian's video "Building Blocks" and found that I was fudging the whole wrist cock release and the rolling of the forearms. So I have been rehearsing the steps from the video for the last few days and took it to the course today for a practice round. Wow! what a difference. Ball striking is much better, starting to get much better direction, much more power and it flows so much easier.

The only surprise I wasn't expecting was how fatigued my forearms got. They were really tired after 9 holes(previously been able to play 36 in a day no problem). Is this normal? Just a reaction to a very different action or am I doing something wrong?


Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I stretch often. Yesterday, I had a world renowned Physical Therapist stretch me out like a pro and now I cant move today so i would think your guess is correct.
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