Freddie's Left Hip

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Last Sunday, Miller said Freddie had the fastest left hip he had ever seen and that is why he is able create so much speed.

How can this help me get faster? Can someone explain?

Brian, Jim, Kevin......others?
My guess

The faster you turn your hips on the downswing, the more open they will be at impact. The more open they are at impact, the more you can swing across your left leg (hello kinetic chain snap). Of course, you have to make sure that the fast movement of your hips doesn't throw anything else out of sync.
I don't know?

My guess is that when you use a teeter tot pivot you are able to halt your pivot a lot quicker and snap your k-chain with a lot of force.

The above poster beat me to it:)

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Freddie loads so much weight on his lead leg (which are huge btw) that is chain snaps so fast when he springs up and kicks that hip back into his left heel. His divots start so far in front of his ball it's unreal.
Let me clarify, I know what Miller is referring to in a general sense, and I know about the pivot creating speed and power etc.....

What I really was getting at, is how can I learn to do it?

What motion should I be working on that could help me increase my speed the way Fred does it?


Watch and read what Manzella has said about snapping your K-chain.
The search feature is great, and you might find some interesting threads on this subject. I know we had a fun one a few months ago.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Be careful about copying Couples. He has almost a reverse pivot. But a good thing to practice is to feel like you fall onto the left leg in the transition. Use that tension to spring the left hip and shoulder as far away from the ball up plane as you can. This will help you pull the hands more forward with a Couples-like pitch elbow.
I wonder how Couples would hit it with a more "turn around the spine" style backswing pivot?

I've always wondered.

And how his back would be with it.

But we'll never know.
Had some footage of Freddy Tivo'd from Friday's round hitting driver on 18. That kinda overhead/left/behind camera angle is pretty cool.......

The amount of axis tilt he has at impact is really amazing. His rear end is so far left and his right shoulder so far down plane that just after impact it doesn't look like his body moves at all while the club whips across body and back up plane.

No wonder why Freddy hits it a mile.
Had some footage of Freddy Tivo'd from Friday's round hitting driver on 18. That kinda overhead/left/behind camera angle is pretty cool.......

The amount of axis tilt he has at impact is really amazing. His rear end is so far left and his right shoulder so far down plane that just after impact it doesn't look like his body moves at all while the club whips across body and back up plane.

No wonder why Freddy hits it a mile.

:) maximum kinetic snap swing: MKS

He pivot brakes with the best of 'em.
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