Freddyconnect application?

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In "Do Not Hit at the Target" Brain illustrates how the clubface is slightly open (3*) at impact and squares at seperation. In contrast, the Freddyconect training device (see claims the clubface should be square from approximately release to followthru. I'll take Brain's advice. :D

I have two questions however. One, how long after seperation should the clubface remain square, or does the clubface begin immediately closing? Two, 18" prior to impact, should the clubface be way open, say 20* to 30* or more, and be closing at a high rate. Or, should the clubface only be 5* to 10* open and closing at a slower rate. Does the answer depend on other factors ... swing vs. hit?

Freddy really makes these differences evident and can make one do alot of experimenting. Doing left handed swings, I find I can make the LED beams appear as one for a long duration using a left hand karate chop straight at the target with a sequenced uncock and roll prior to impact. This really helps swivel my left arm in the followthru. Is this a good practice or not, why?

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