"Friends" video preview...

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Brian Manzella

MANZELLA MATRIX basis and summary.

MANZELLA MATRIX short game synopsis.

The "Soft Draw" Pattern lesson and drills.

Brian Manzella's new revolutionary theory on how you can move the club from the top through impact.

The Warped Plane!
I believe that the sacred so-call Swing Plane is incorrect.

I believe it WARPS in the direction of the pivot.

"There's that Manzella again, he just doesn't understand. Sure it warps, if you don't do A, B and C."
I didn't say I thought that the swing shape wasn't a plane, I said that the shape is more warped in the direction of the pivot.

This is how the best golfers who ever lived did it.

There is ZERO research that shows golfers trace a perfectly straight plane line the whole swing.

There are PORTIONS that the base line is probably very straight. But if you tried to do it the whole swing, you would not be optimal.

(NOTE: I am far from the only one who thinks this is the case. There have been many, and there are many)



Oh Man! I got all exited thinking you were about to announce that the video was ready. The anticipation is killing me!

Brian Manzella

Merchandise Show Week.

I had anticipated shooting this past weekend.

I got some serious bug, ran a fever, and was basically out-of-commission.

Myself, Mike Finney, Ryan Smither, Mike Jacobs, Tom Bartlett, & Damon Lucas will all be attending the PGA Show in Florida this week. If the Lord says the same, I'll shoot early next week.

I can't wait to get this information out....it is very exciting to me, because it is very good stuff, will help a lot of folks, and will "set the stage"...so to speak. ;)



Sounds GREAT. Will you guys be at the show on Friday? I'm hoping to fly down just for that day-bad weather=no family vacation...


I remember reading somewhere of someone talking about a "rotating plane" - the name Dan Shauger rings a bell on this one. Not sure if it is the same idea as your warped plane or not, but thought I would mention it. I look forward to your new video.

C'mon guys...

PayPal sent.

I would challenge all other golf pros who have used any of the information on this site to "donate." I mean, you're getting instructional material in return for doing a good deed, what more motivation do you need? How about a tax deduction? :)

Thanks Brian.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
PayPal sent.

I would challenge all other golf pros who have used any of the information on this site to "donate." I mean, you're getting instructional material in return for doing a good deed, what more motivation do you need? How about a tax deduction? :)

Thanks Brian.

Well, it's 2008 now...so that would be for THIS tax year unfortunately unless you are so unscrupulous to try and sneak it into the 2007 year ;)
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