"Frisbee Throw" vs. "Ball Throw"

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Hi all - new to the site. Great information to be gathered and very interesting and useful debates. I know this has been addressed before, but I am really having a difficult time with the issue of hitting (trail side dominant) vs. swinging (lead side dominant). Is there any common fault or type of shot that should determine what method to use.... or is it strictly up to the individual and their 'feel'.

I am a natural right-hander and play righty. When I try to have the left side the dominant side, I feel really solid, but I tend to push my shots. When I try the right side, I tend to get "flippy". Any ideas/suggestions?
I am really having a difficult time with the issue of hitting (trail side dominant) vs. swinging (lead side dominant).

You can have right arm participation in a swinging stroke. Search search search and you might just learn how to do it with skill and expertise.

TY HK for giving me my right arm back:)

The hitting/swinging thing DOES come a lot down to feel.

But it also has a lot to do with what kind of shaft lean you want "through impact."

Basically, if you add some "force against the shaft" in the downswing (a "drop and hit it") you will have more forward shaft lean, less loft, and a lower ballflight. (all other things being equal) The club will be "up your left arm longer"......+ you'll have more of a leading edge divot.

VS......A straight-up "PULL from the top", which makes for less forward shaft lean, more loft, and a higher ball. (+ more of a "mid-sole" divot)

BTW I get flippy when I let my right arm do too much of the work too. (I'd rather "hit it with my pivot"...with my left shoulder feeling like it's leading the way)

I feel that I am pivoting correctly on the downswing, but since I am so right hand dominant, the right hand takes over and throwaway results. I have tried to maintain the right wrist cock on the downswing, but I lose power since there is resisting going on - my shots tend to be pushed.

Do I need to use even more pivot or concentrate on more 'swing' and left side?



I struggle with all of this too. One thing that seems to help me is to forget swinging vs. hitting, right vs. left or anything like that. I've been experimenting with keeping the weight of the club behind my hands until I swivel. I don't pay attention to right or left, just pivot and keep the weight behind the hands.

I have tried this in the past, but I 'feel' that I have no control over the club. I feel as if my arms are 'limp noodles'. Is this what you are trying to feel?

Maybe/probably I am wrong...but I relate the golf swing to a baseball batter or pitcher....I pivot as I start to swing the bat or throw the pitch, and at impact or release, I exert force - is this force natural or programmed?

Wow!! Maybe I just answered my own question....I may be thinking way too much during the swing...just need to swing and let CF take care of itself.

I will try this tomorrow...


Frisbee early...

Hi all - new to the site. Great information to be gathered and very interesting and useful debates. I know this has been addressed before, but I am really having a difficult time with the issue of hitting (trail side dominant) vs. swinging (lead side dominant). Is there any common fault or type of shot that should determine what method to use.... or is it strictly up to the individual and their 'feel'.

I am a natural right-hander and play righty. When I try to have the left side the dominant side, I feel really solid, but I tend to push my shots. When I try the right side, I tend to get "flippy". Any ideas/suggestions?

Ball late?
Where is your right forearm?

You might want to think of where your right foream is when swinging a bat or throwing a frisbee towards the left with your right hand.

1. Where is the forearm pointing when your hands are in front of your chest before you hit the baseball?

2. Where is the bat in relation to the forearm position?

3. Where is the inside of the forearm pointing?


garymag- I don't know about the limp noodle arms thing. I just pivot and keep the weight of the club behind my hands until the swivel. That's ALL I'm aware of happening. My hands are just clamps, my pivot just takes everything through. Sorry I can't be more specific.
I don't want to think about "release" when I play golf and I honestly don't want to think about adding anything. It's what works for me.
What Leek says resonates a lot with some things I've been working on. And I don't think his ideas require loose, noodly arms in any way. Indeed, for me, this idea requires fairly taut arms, with both arms close together and elbows pointed down and in (think Hogan 5 Fundamentals drawing). It is crucial, however, that this swing is driven by the pivot.

Brian Manzella

Giving me a headache.

All this left vs. right stuff is giving me a headache.

There are NO (as in ZERO) powerful, pull with your left side only golf stokes, or push with your right side only.



The best swings have lots of pull from the top, and tremendous right arm participation by at least half-way down.

It is a TWO-SIDED game.

Hitting and Swinging, per se, is fantasy.

If Gary (who I haven't seen in years but use to hit the CRAP out of the ball), is pushing using too much of ONE IDEA, or FLIPPING using another, he simply needs to be fixed.

Gary, lets set a day for next week, and I'll video the lesson and we'll post it up.

Time to show the world how EASY fixing a good player is.
Let's Do It!

All this left vs. right stuff is giving me a headache.

There are NO (as in ZERO) powerful, pull with your left side only golf stokes, or push with your right side only.



The best swings have lots of pull from the top, and tremendous right arm participation by at least half-way down.

It is a TWO-SIDED game.

Hitting and Swinging, per se, is fantasy.

If Gary (who I haven't seen in years but use to hit the CRAP out of the ball), is pushing using too much of ONE IDEA, or FLIPPING using another, he simply needs to be fixed.

Gary, lets set a day for next week, and I'll video the lesson and we'll post it up.

Time to show the world how EASY fixing a good player is.

Sorry to give you a headache, Brian. I am just getting back into playing golf again and this issue has been my nemesis for a while. Should have not waited so long to get in touch...my bad. I would love to schedule something next week. I know you have the house issue - please call or email me - any day is fine with me.

All this left vs. right stuff is giving me a headache.

There are NO (as in ZERO) powerful, pull with your left side only golf stokes, or push with your right side only.



The best swings have lots of pull from the top, and tremendous right arm participation by at least half-way down.

It is a TWO-SIDED game.

Hitting and Swinging, per se, is fantasy.

If Gary (who I haven't seen in years but use to hit the CRAP out of the ball), is pushing using too much of ONE IDEA, or FLIPPING using another, he simply needs to be fixed.

Gary, lets set a day for next week, and I'll video the lesson and we'll post it up.

Time to show the world how EASY fixing a good player is.

correct me if im wrong, but a while ago, you were experimenting with pure swinging. this was quite a while ago, but im sure you said you started hitting about 10 yards further.

but the way i see it, is that PURE swinging and PURE hitting only exist as experiments. it will not benefit you to do this, if only to see that it can be done
For the record...

...I was talking about feels in my post. I know that reality is a totally different story. I hope that was fairly clear! (but maybe not...eeeeek)

Looking forward to the video!!
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Brian Manzella

correct me if im wrong, but a while ago, you were experimenting with pure swinging. this was quite a while ago, but im sure you said you started hitting about 10 yards further.

but the way i see it, is that PURE swinging and PURE hitting only exist as experiments. it will not benefit you to do this, if only to see that it can be done

I can "pure swing" as much as it is possible. The ball goes shorter.

Pure "Hitting" can only exist on VERY small shots.
I think that most people don't understand how to use both arms effectively, and that there are more so-called 4barrelers than TGM book thumpers will acknowledge, and that the 4BS as cataloged is too high maintenance. There are easier ways to have a MPS than what was presented in the book and by Mr. Doyle. Hopefully you won't get all soy milk on me.
Very interesting Mr. Manzella, interesting indeed.

i never thought you could possibly have pure hitting on a full swing. if hitting is putting force across the shaft, with all right hand/arm force, how can you do this from the top???

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