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Brian Manzella

...Italics in parenthesis are Brian Manzella's additions...

"There are some on other sites that have made the same statement
(four barrel swinging is a doable procedure).

...they think they know what they're spewing is fact. I won't mention names to protect the innocent, but here's the 411 from Mr. Kelly himself.

Homer on 4 barrel swinging:
'there's no point in 4 barrel swinging'
'there's no real advantage'
'if you try to exceed momentum transfer, it will resist'

4 barrel swingers live in the Land of OZ."

Pretty cute, huh?

What REALLY funny is this dude's wrist position at the top and at start down (please folks, don't post it here), IT IS PERFECTLY "MANZELLA-FLAT."

Like I always say, the proof is in the pudding, not the Kool-Aid.

Oh and BTW, Homer saw "no point" in 4-barrel swinging, but never said it couldn't be done.

So, from the land of Oz, where we take resignations from the Kool-aid army everyday,

The Wizard (Itallian Stallion),

BM ;)

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
What REALLY funny is this dude's wrist position at the top and at start down (please folks, don't post it here), IT IS PERFECTLY "MANZELLA-FLAT."

Would just like to re-emphasize that point.
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