Ft.Myers & Port St.Lucie Brian Manzella Private Lesson Tour Stops - January 2011

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Brian Manzella

I am kicking off my 2011 travel teaching schedule with two January Manzella "Tour Stops" in Florida.

A "Tour Stop" is simply one-on-one private lessons with myself, my Casio camera, and my little orange friend, TrackMan, on the road, in cities across the USA and perhaps later this year, Europe.

Cost is $200 hour


Miromar Lakes Beach & Golf Club
520 Miromar Lakes Boulevard West, Fort Myers, Florida 33967

Miromar Lakes | Golf Course

Friday, January 21st

Saturday, January 22nd

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PGA Center for Learning and Performance
8565 Commerce Centre Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL

Sunday, January 30th

Monday, January 31st
9am-11am & 12noon-2pm

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I go to all of the Florida tourstops and have even attended in NY so get your butt in the car!
Miromar Lakes is very nice and Will Elender is a great host!


I go to all of the Florida tourstops and have even attended in NY so get your butt in the car!
Miromar Lakes is very nice and Will Elender is a great host!

Is Will Ellender the same guy who hosts up in Ann Arbor where I saw Brian last year?
I am looking for a Chicago or Pittsburgh or another Ann Arbor. Something less than 6 hours driving.
Is Will Ellender the same guy who hosts up in Ann Arbor where I saw Brian last year?
I am looking for a Chicago or Pittsburgh or another Ann Arbor. Something less than 6 hours driving.

Last year? He hasn't been to California in what, 4-5yrs? I'm jealous.
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