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I wonder what Jim Furyk playing partners think when Jim constantly backs off putts and seems to take forever to hole out a short one ? It seems to have become a standard practice with him now
I'd be thinking, "This sure beats driving a UPS truck for 10 hours, or working 40 hours over a 3 day Member - Guest". Take all the time you want Jim.
So as long as you are "top dog" on the tour you can do whatever you want? I don't think what Furyk does is a big deal but that post is silly.
I would definitely have a problem with it.

Of course, that's assuming a lot... me being on tour, being paired together, having my game squared away enough to worry about what he's doing, etc...

A few of these on every hole might not be a bad idea sometimes...

I'd have a bigger problem watching his swing and asking myself "htf does that work?". But OTOH I'd rather watch him on the golf course than stock shelves in a supermaket....

BTW how does it work? What combination is it that he uses?
He won the FedEx cup, and even sleept in, which post is silly someone complaining about a preshot routine or mine, lol mine, just a someone picking on someones preshot routine and can't figure out why Jimmy does it. Is he penalized for slow play...no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its Side vision vs vision behind the ball ----hence why putting is so tough. Yes he is Top dog fat cat, ect and beat you with hat backwards (even me).
I just watched Furyk and he plays quickly and his putting routine is a non issue, he puts his ball down and addresses the ball then reads the line from behind the ball steps in and putts it all takes less than 45 seconds, much faster than a lot of players I watched live today at the Transitions.
It took Webb Simpson about 5 minutes to hit his tee shot on 17 today. It's hard for me to root for a guy playing like that, but I don't think they will do anything about it until they have to start reducing the size of fields.
I did notice Webb took along time pulling clubs, it was breezy and they had a hard time deciding but to be fair a lot of players were taking quite a bit of time choosing clubs.
I didnt get chance to watch all the golf this morning but Woodland looks like a fine player. He seems to have a good steady demeanour about him and even though I did not pick him this week it was good to see a bright new star in the making.
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