Game goes South: Take a break?

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When you start playing bad do you keep going or do you take a break? My driver has just been awful and it's making it hard to have fun. I've considered just taking off a week or two? What do you guys do?


When you start playing bad do you keep going or do you take a break? My driver has just been awful and it's making it hard to have fun. I've considered just taking off a week or two? What do you guys do?

Bummer! Took me three hits to put my driver in play today off the 10th and I carded 8 on a par 4. That plus two triple bogeys a little later did not amuse me. :mad: Meanwhile, the variable weather was kind to me and the heavy spells of rainfall were brief and occurred only when I was close to shelter; so it wasn't all bad news.

Oh, b.t.w I did manage some very good shots along the way, so I will be back out on Thursday hoping for revenge. :D

Suck it up and grind it out Curtis.
When you start playing bad do you keep going or do you take a break? My driver has just been awful and it's making it hard to have fun. I've considered just taking off a week or two? What do you guys do?

Why not drop down to your three wood and go forward, working on the driver at the range or on holes that are wide open. (I'm assuming you have one or two of the later.) ;)

Heck, your score might even improve!!
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Why not drop down to your three wood and go forward, working on the driver at the range or on holes that are wide open. (I'm assuming you have one or two of the later.) ;)

I can't hit the 3w either. I used to bomb it but just can't get CONSISTENT with it.

PS I hit some balls on the range before I played to work on the driver and the results were HORRIBLE. I can hook the ball 40 yards left EASILY. It's either a hook or a push fade. Earlier in the year, NHA took care of my hooks but I just can't get back to swinging the driver with it. I wish I had a working video camera but I don't, otherwise I "think" I could spot something. Nothing is working CONSISTENTLY. I'm still thinking about taking 2 weeks off and then go see Brian if the wife lets me.
I reassess the situation. I really don't think time off actually helps that much. For some people the problem is that they are just continuing to use the same bad habits and if they take a week off or so they'll get out of those bad habits, but sooner or later they'll get right back into them. It's your most basic band-aid.


Whenever I am having trouble with my swing, I usually find it is due to "mind interference" i.e. I am thinking too much, or thinking of maybe a new or long unused move I am trying to implement...

To get me through it I simply go back to the grasscutter drills....during my practice (pre- shot)strokes, swinging the club in both directions as if cutting the grass..
For the actual stroke I visualize my arms being in the right-arm-horizontal-follow-through position (this is like a mental forward-press) and then from there, swing back and forward at full thoughts about hands'arms.shoulders/pivot or anything in fact, except to cut through the grass as powerfully as possible....

This seems to get me through a round (as infrequent as they are these days) OK...
maybe it just reinforces correct timing or something, but then after a while I can go back to my "thinking" swing.....mad game isn't it....:D

Your profile says you live in Iowa. So that means that your normal golf season is something like May to end of September. Not much time left this year. I would suck it up and keep playing.


Taking 6 months off didn't help my game. Prior to that taking 6 weeks or even 1 week didn't help. When you're at the end of your rope, go see someone who can get you going down the right path. Grinding it out might help if you know what you're looking for but it sounds like that isn't working for you either. I got so frustrated I quit for 6 months. I tried to grind it out with self diagnois and tons of videos. Problem is, I put so many bandaids on top of bandaids I didn't have a swing anymore. If you really want to stay in and make the most of what's left of your season go see an instructor. I went and saw Brian, in a day and a half I was hitting the ball better than I had in a long time. Even better, I knew what I needed to work on and I knew how to diagnose some of the problems I was experiencing. While I'd highly recommend him, I understand it's not practical for everyone. Maybe you can see Jim or someone else local to you?
Well taking time off likely wont help unless you have an injury.....found a neat artlicle from Adam Scot and here is a tidbit of it...
Open Golf Championship Coverage - Articles - Golf Channel

“The key is not to panic,” Westwood said. “You’ve just got to go back to the basics. Generally, you’ll find it was an obvious thing.”

That’s just what Scott did.

After his 81 at the Memorial, he retreated to Queenwood Golf Club outside London. He didn’t invite Butch Harmon, his longtime coach. He didn’t ask help from his caddie, Tony Navarro.

A club employee worked the video and Scott went to the practice range, sessions that lasted up to four hours, six straight days. Before long, he watched the flight of one ball, which was just as he imagined it should go.

Then came his first big test, Bethpage Black for the U.S. Open. He opened with a 69, easily made the cut and even saw his name on the leaderboard early in the final round until a string of late bogeys that only cost him money. He played in the final group on the weekend at Loch Lomond, and the smile grew wider, even as the tabloids quizzed him about Ivanovic.

He is not over the hump. He still doesn’t have a major.

Still, he believes he is closer than ever, not because of steady progress but a surprising detour.

“I’ll be a better player than I ever was before,” Scott said. “I’m sure of that.”
FYI dont forgot to break a club lol
FYI dont forgot to break a club lol

Funny, I almost threw the 3w the other day. I've never thrown a club but I was ready to give that sucker a RIDE! I have a feeling it would relieve a lot of built up frustration. It's kinda like the wife. Sometimes you feel like you want to pop her in the mouth but you would never do it. :)

PS Thanks for everyone's thoughts, I'm gonna try to keep it going. I have a couples best shot tomorrow and that will be the deciding factor. If there is a break, it won't be very long.

PSS I should get the "Ten Things" dvd any day now so hopefully that will help the driver some. I'm done with my summer class in 2 weeks and I'm determined to see someone, hopefully Mr. BManz. Is there much "family stuff" for 2 little ones in Louisville? If so, I can tell the Mrs that we can make it a family trip. :)
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Well I played this morning and it was BAD. Driver everywhere and I even shanked 2 PW's in a row. But luckily I had a couples best shot tonight so I had to play, otherwise I would have taken my break. If you pay any attention to my posts (not sure why you would) I've struggled with a push fade this year and last. So I said why don't you just play it. I aimed probably 30 yards to the left and wacked away. Hit some great drives and shot a 38. Not bad as my wife only counted for 1 or 2 shots. NO BREAK FOR ME! Thanks everyone.

Think of it this way.

In 4 weeks you get to start watching the Hawkeyes begin their next 6-6 season.


Keep working. Go get yourself one of those triangular shaped fedex boxes and work on hitting drivers over that. That thing gives instant feedback (thank you Brian).
Think of it this way.

In 4 weeks you get to start watching the Hawkeyes begin their next 6-6 season.


Keep working. Go get yourself one of those triangular shaped fedex boxes and work on hitting drivers over that. That thing gives instant feedback (thank you Brian).

HeHeHe...6-6..isn't that a bit generous? Oh're probably right that conference is going to be a big joke this year...and let the football trash talk begin. Love it.
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The Sooners wouldn't be the Sooners if it wasn't for the Hawks!


and quit threadjacking or whatever you call it! dang it! :)
The Sooners wouldn't be the Sooners if it wasn't for the Hawks!


and quit threadjacking or whatever you call it! dang it! :)

Actually I am a relocated Red Raider. I did spend 4 years in Carlisle during the glory years of Hayden Frye and Dr. Tom Davis though. Good times.

Back on topic: Go get a box.
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