Gamma Torque & Grip Pressure

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Does a lighter grip allow for more gamma torque?

When I death grip my driver it seems like I have less gamma torque and therefore the closure rate is slightly slower. Light pressure = more solid hit but appears to have more gamma torque and faster rate (harder to time)

Also, how big a role does gamma torque play in face closure rates? I'll take educated guesses.

Brian Manzella

There is NO DOUBT that gamma torque (twisting the shaft at the grip) plays a huge role in face rotation.

How much?

Well, it is NOT one to one. You have shaft torque and all sorts of other factors that get the top of the club OUT OF PHASE with the bottom.

It's funny, sad, or both, that MANY METHODOLOGIES ignore gamma torque and movement in this plane of motion (two different things).
I suspect you guys will have a lot more on this shortly. Hopefully Tuxen will invent a club where the feel of the torques are very very powerful. Once that lower part of the club detaches I'm just guessing what happens to the face because I can't feel it. I think I can feel path.
Would that gyro-thingy club that came out a couple years ago have any benefit in helping some to feel these torques? I never got to try one, but I seem to recall it sold as moving in a way that might be helpful. Just thinking out loud.
Would that gyro-thingy club that came out a couple years ago have any benefit in helping some to feel these torques? I never got to try one, but I seem to recall it sold as moving in a way that might be helpful. Just thinking out loud.

I think I recall Brian saying a while back something to the effect that it s a good swivel-er.
Would that gyro-thingy club that came out a couple years ago have any benefit in helping some to feel these torques? I never got to try one, but I seem to recall it sold as moving in a way that might be helpful. Just thinking out loud.
Yep, "GyroSwing." I remember swinging it a few times years ago at a Golfsmith. It may have new meaning and benefit now.
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