Getting into setup

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I am standing too tall to the ball so I am trying to get more bend but it feels very strange. I feel like my hands are really low (although I look fine when seen on camera.) The problem is getting into the ball with more bend. ANy tips on how to get into a good setup routine?


I start with mid body hands so, yes, it is in that position.
Not sure what that has to do with it?
I don't like bending over lots....feels unbalanced....less like a hammer thrower or w/e.


I do the Ben Doyle routine.....

....grip....right toe on line (line is straight back from ball- towards you)......aim clubface...left heel on line (+ where you put left heel determines if stance is open/closed)....sidestep straight sideways with right foot......

....then I wiggle into the right posture.
bcoak said:
I start with mid body hands so, yes, it is in that position.
Not sure what that has to do with it?
it could have a lot to do with it, because if it was cocked then the hands would be low, so if the left wrist is not level, level it out in order to raise your hands. Then if that raises your spine angle, extend the hands away from the body.
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