Golf Websites

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So, which golf websites do you visit frequently? Here are my favorites listed in order.....

1. Manzella
2. Bombsquadgolf
3. ChuckEvans (By the way, what is going on with that site, seems to be some changes coming up that would impact membership)
4. LynnBlake
5. Freegolfinfo
Wow, there are some great sites that I was missing out on....tourspec, golfwrx, etc. Keep them coming for others to enjoy!

Not to worry, I have passed your name on to way too many people for the competition to ever catch up!


This site is the one for me..(plus a couple local finnish sites). But this for golf swing-instruction. I used to spend time at all kinds of instructional sites and read every possible (cure your slice)article from every possible magazine....didn't do me any versa.
Then I found this place. It's been awesome ...brian is awesome. The fact that he does this for free..wants to help people play better golf. The Instruction Articles...Video answers...etc...beautiful!!!
I believe Brian wants to be recognized in the golf-teaching -scene....and I believe he SHOULD be.

So, I choose this site. :)

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Cool, thanks ef. I am new to all of this stuff and do not have all of the code figured out yet. I do know that I have learned a ton about the golf swing and have improved. Keep up the good work and keep spreading the news

quote:Originally posted by efnef

quote:Originally posted by glcoach

Is David Orr a TGM guy?

quote:Originally posted by rundmc

Haven't been to Chuck's site in a while . . . what's the deal?

He posts here under the name NonAuthorized TGM and at Lynn's site under the name Annikan Skywalker.
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