I have been doing a funny Sergio-like twitch that I wouldn't mind getting rid of.
If it is possible I assume I will do it.
There can inherently be a lot of issues...
Mentally (Intentions)...
Best I can think is you need to be more in the mindset of programming yourself to do what you want. And exactly what you want. Not "less of this" or even "moreso this way"...but "I want X." Say it, imagine it, like you are putting it on a computer screen in your mind. Erase everything else off there. Maybe even talk about it in a different sense. More like "I have this thing that I have in the past been doing but want to normalize it." (to that effect anyway) Your commands to yourself need not always (under all circumstances) be perfect but I believe you at least need to find an effective balance, perhaps adding more "positive intent" commands, if that's what you perhaps need.
Another thing to 'know' is your tendencies. Your "blueprint" as Moe used to say. Your body will tell you (physical feel...almost surely with some extra level of anxiety) if you are out of line. (so will your performance, at least over time, for that matter) The only problem I have found is that the signal is pretty universal. (the feel of anxiety) Hopefully you do not have anything else that is setting you off and needs straightening, if you get me. (can complicate things)
One way to discern if your intentions need "lining up" (with what is perhaps needed) is to take some time thinking about something other than what you are doing, while you ARE doing it. I.E. sing a song you heard on the radio...or probably just a short portion of it repeatedly.
There's a killer on the roooooad...his brain is squirming like a tooooooad...There's a killer on th...
Take a long holidaaaaaaaay...let your children plaaaaaaaay...Take a lo...
(I was listening to The Doors...heh...

I know it sounds a little crazy but hopefully also logical, if you get the logic, and if the logic IS logical. (??????)

This goes hand in hand with the "32 Ball Drill" of Carey Mumford's I recently posted. Which also, goes HiH with building NEW habits. (the ones YOU want) Use the conscious to program the nonconscious. You just need to know HOW. (along with what, at that) I take it that research has shown "sets of 4" are most conducive for habit building. Thinking about what you want to do 4 reps...then thinking about something else 4 reps...hmm. It I think makes for good practice. (which is when you are doing most of your building/learning)
You want to release whatever "physiological tension" you may have amassed, whenever appropriate. Whenever your "feel system" FEELS like (is telling you) it needs to release/"loosen." Kind of like a different kind of release you do, in the washroom, sitting down, a couple times a day hopefully. (ahhhhhh) Maybe an unnecessarily gross analogy but it's true. You have to release the tension TO loosen...whether that takes breathing and/or clenching (something
) and/or even a bit of grunting from time to time, lol. (release and wipe the tension away!!...hurrah!) Or you can just wait...but why would you if you can do it as needed/appropriate or even somewhat "on the fly" at times.
For executing, on the course, or theoretically whenever going for best immediate result...an idea is to try, once again, to think about something other than what you are doing. (song and perhaps image as well) The premise is we operate best using habits rather than skills (when appropriate)...habits by nature are things you do without conscious thought...thusly thinking about something else will best cue "habit release." (of whatever you happen to have built, and/or pre-programmed in "preshot")
"The Programming Concept." [I propose]
-You probably need new habits. (about as precise as possible- "what" you want to NOW do)
-A way to build them in practice. (32BD) Using the manual/conscious, to program nonconscious intentions, to create habits, TO use for producing "automatic" ACTION, when the time comes. (play)
-Seperate from your present (if WHAT you are presently wanting to do is seperate) intention "screen": knowledge of your OWN tendencies. (blueprint to refer to as needed) "Stay within yourself/'your style'" I believe could be somewhat of a "centering" message to yourself. When necessary. (Maybe you can say this knowledge [of physical computer blueprint] is somewhere in the hard drive in it's own file.)
-Release tension to loosen. (feel better)
-Go "on automatic" by thinking about something else.
Btw this is ALL Carey Mumford's stuff. I am just a parrot. Squak squak. Pauly...wants...a saltine...??
I am still integrating all this.
"The Double Conexxion" is more or less his main book. (there is another previous to that which is also good)
"DC" I think refers to a connect of sorts between "The Automatic Principle" (as he calls it) and "your personal frame of reference." ("blueprint") I hope I got that right...