Golfing Machine Terms Defined by Youknowwho!

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Brian Manzella

Aiming Point:
1.The spot on the ground you are trying to direct your right forefinger at.
2. The place in the air you want your right forefinger to be at impact.
BM: Where your hands would hit the ground if the 'flew off' on the downswing.

Axis Tilt:
1.The golfer leaning to the right on the downswing through impact to re-direct the right shoulder motion.
2.The result of a steady head and hip slide
BM: Body preparation for: rock skipping or underhanded javelin throw or right arm thrust at the inside-back of the ball.

Clubhead Lag:
1.The pressure against the right forefinger when the club is behind the hands ANY amount and isn't rapidily on the verge of not being behind the hands any amount.
2. The clubhead would just as soon fall off of the club straight to the ground, but the epoxy is keeping that from happening, so when you try to move it, grip end first, you feel the weight of it against your right forefinger.
BM: The little kid you are pulling across the room when he doesn't want to.



quote:Originally posted by brianman

Aiming Point:
1.The spot on the ground you are trying to direct your right forefinger at.
2. The place in the air you want your right forefinger to be at impact.
BM: Where your hands would hit the ground if the 'flew off' on the downswing.
" are trying to....", "" and "where....would....." all, again, demonstrate how "Intention" dictates "Action/Motion". You try to do something else to achieve something.

To me, it’s where the clubhead you "would like to" direct toward for a desire result, before, during or beyond impact, which deals mostly with “Geometry”. I prefer "beyond".

quote: Axis Tilt:
1.The golfer leaning to the right on the downswing through impact to re-direct the right shoulder motion.
2.The result of a steady head and hip slide
BM: Body preparation for: rock skipping or underhanded javelin throw or right arm thrust at the inside-back of the ball.
More demonstration, which all are the results of “body preparation for …or….or…….” HARD in order to get those (rock or javelin but not my right arm) FAR (away from me).

That’s right, the harder you "try", the more it's gonna tilt (not the other way around), which deals mostly with “Physics”.

Again, I prefer “beyond”, so I try to do those (including swinging/hitting a golf club) “hard”.

quote: Clubhead Lag:
1.The pressure against the right forefinger when the club is behind the hands ANY amount and isn't rapidly on the verge of not being behind the hands any amount.
2. The clubhead would just as soon fall off of the club straight to the ground, but the epoxy is keeping that from happening, so when you try to move it, grip end first, you feel the weight of it against your right forefinger.
BM: The little kid you are pulling across the room when he doesn't want to.
All because of INERTIA, the tendency of an object or (idea, attitude, ……..) to remain in it’s original state, still or moving straight at a constant speed.

The results/effects are “the pressure/resistance……..”, “the weight……….”, the shaft “flex” and so on.

What also show are the marks on the kid’s arm or the club lagging behind the hands. However, possessing the “marks” or “the angle between the shaft and the forearms” doesn’t necessary indicate the existence of “pressure/resistance/weight/lag”, which deals literally with “Physics”.

Bt the way, not only the epoxy, but also the shaft/body parts/friction between the grip, which need to be strong enough, to keep the clubhead from flying away.

For a golf swing, there can be numerous things to be “attempted”: including how “fast/hard” to move the club (physic/“mind on the hands”) and “where” to move it to (geometry/“eyes on the ball”), which are "the two" I chose to put my intention and focus on.

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