Good backswing thought to use with "left shoulder up?"

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Does anyone have any good backswing thoughts or takeaway thoughts for the left shoulder? I've been using "left shoulder up" for the downswing and I really like it.

Right now I've been thinking "to the wall" like in the wall drill. But I'm curious as to what other people use. Any input would be appreciated.

When you use the "left shoulder up" on the downswing, how do you prevent your body from lifting up.? I have tried this a couple times as opposed to trying to bring my right shoulder to the ball but have stuggled with staying down on the ball.
For left shoulder up (or right shoulder down)...

When you use the "left shoulder up" on the downswing, how do you prevent your body from lifting up.? I have tried this a couple times as opposed to trying to bring my right shoulder to the ball but have stuggled with staying down on the ball.

I struggled with this for a long time. The left shoulder has to go UP but then back. So, you won't stand up if you add the back.

Some of my downswing faults include: a. Firing the hips too quickly and then using the hands to power downward or b. firing the hands and not turning the hips.

What I have found is that I have to get the mid section turning in harmony with the hips and let the arms/hands go for a ride. the UP then back helps me to engage the correct muscles in the correct order.
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Does anyone have any good backswing thoughts or takeaway thoughts for the left shoulder? I've been using "left shoulder up" for the downswing and I really like it.

Right now I've been thinking "to the wall" like in the wall drill. But I'm curious as to what other people use. Any input would be appreciated.


I just got back from the range and after watching episode 4 forever,things finally clicked on the BS and DS and that was getting the right shoulder BACK and then DOWN (the wall idea) that's all I thought about (good stuff)seems I have been a bit of a lunger but not anymore!!!!
I just got back from the range and after watching episode 4 forever,things finally clicked on the BS and DS and that was getting the right shoulder BACK and then DOWN (the wall idea) that's all I thought about (good stuff)seems I have been a bit of a lunger but not anymore!!!!

Yeah, it's a really good swing thought. I used it for a while, but have recently been getting more success focusing on the left shoulder on the DS instead of the right shoulder. The only thing is I like to focus on the same body part for both the BS and DS. So I just need to figure out a good thought for me that focuses on the left shoulder, but gets the right shoulder to do what it should (go back). Browsing some other sites I found that a lot of people use "turn the left shoulder under the chin," which I think may work for me.
Yeah, it's a really good swing thought. I used it for a while, but have recently been getting more success focusing on the left shoulder on the DS instead of the right shoulder. The only thing is I like to focus on the same body part for both the BS and DS. So I just need to figure out a good thought for me that focuses on the left shoulder, but gets the right shoulder to do what it should (go back). Browsing some other sites I found that a lot of people use "turn the left shoulder under the chin," which I think may work for me.

Yep that's good too and then replace it with the right on the DS. Careful not reverse pivot. Good Luck!
Just a thought . how about turning your left shoulder bade like your putting the drunk on your back and then toss him off on the downswing???...joe
Just a thought . how about turning your left shoulder bade like your putting the drunk on your back and then toss him off on the downswing???...joe

Yeah, I thought about that, but it didn't really work that well. Although I think it could be a good thought for people who like to use "toss the drunk" on the downswing.
I finally decided that I was trying to think about too much during the swing, and just went back to good ol' "Aim left, swing right." It worked pretty well (shot 36 in my 9-hole league with two stupid bogeys). But I'm sure by tomorrow I'll have another swing thought in my head...:rolleyes:

BTW Thanks for the input though, I'm sure I'll use it again sometime.:D
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