good day

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Sup guys

What a day i had !
Finally figured out what works for me in terms of the weightshift and pivot.

All i have ever heard is swing through the ball and shift your weight to the left side to start the swing.
So ive always got to far in front of the ball with the longer clubs and hit high slices.

Well Today i was working on keeping my head down as a swing thought and i felt a few new things.
From the top of the backswing i just return my legs and lower body to the address position and brace my self for the arms and upper body that are about to come flying through.

Felt like all my energy was getting directed in front of me at the ball instead of to my left like it usually does.
Hit a Par 5 in 2 today for the first time in my life!!
Was a pure 3 wood from 260 :)


Nice! I have the same issues with my lower body. Generally if I fire the hips hard from the top I'll be up on my right toe at impact, with my lower body in the position most people are at the end of the swing.

I have also had success with just posting up on the left leg instead of turning the hips so hard. More of a lateral shift and tilt with the hips instead of a turn.
Ya nate that sounds a lot like my swing.

Somethin just felt different today. I know this sounds silly but i kinda realized for the first time that the ball is in front of me and not to the left of me .
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