Good Morning

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I just wanted to say hello and thank you to everyone that has contributed here. I have just finished reading the entire forum from page 511 down to page 1. I wanted to get a good feel for how things had evolved since the site began before I posted for the first time. I came across this site through the blog of one of the other posters Richie3jack who has links to Brians YouTube videos. By seeing those and getting NSA I have begun to get a better idea of how my swing works. Next challenge is to intergrate the D-Plane into everything. I am excited for the direction Brian is taking and look forward to following the science and not the voodoo that seems to be out there everywhere you look except here.
Wow! How long did it take you to read the entire forum? (I'm thinking about doing just that) I mean, the stats say that there are 10,589 threads on this forum...
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