Good Pivots

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I am looking to improve my pivot and would like to watch and study some of the pros. Whose pivot would you recommend i look at?
I agree Jay Haas, real nice.

Tiger Woods

Tom Purtzer.

Another that has a dynamic pivot is John Daly. I think Brian would approve...
Learning the pivot thru Love jr´s ball-throwing drill?

Did he in fact learn his move thru the drill described in his father´s book?

(Throwing a ball with the right arm towards the target under the out-stretched left arm resting on a club, gives quite a lot of axis tilt...)
If you take the finish as indicative of the quality that came before it, Luke Donald's pivot must be pretty close to perfect...


New member
Many posters have different opinions as to which golfer has a better pivot action. However, they are not stating in what way the pivot action is better, and whether it applies to the backswing and/or downswing. I would be interested in learning why any individual poster believes that a "particular" golfer has a better hip pivot action.

If anybody is interested, I have written a review paper on the hip pivot, and I have provided anatomical details which will enable a golfer to understand what is happening anatomically during the hip pivot action.

If you want to see an example of a really good hip pivot action, look at this swing video of Mike Austin's swing (especially the first 4 swings in B&W at the start of the video)

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Middlecoff actually has a good pivot......

If you ignore some of the stuff in the finish prolly.....and that little quirk in the takeaway. (which surely is something that he just "does" and I have a feeling wouldn't be worth fixing anyway)

He sure does "re-route" that club (and right shoulder) nice AND tilt......"squeezes the water out of the ground"....(they all is related I think).....

BTW ya Daly is very good......he's a little older now I guess......(obviously still long).....but there was a clip floating around the net a while back.....face-on driver........just made me go was like you could feel the wind from that friggen pivot.


(smells like JACK)

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How far does this guy hit it....? (more concerned with the images on the right obviously)

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