Good problem to have?????

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I have been working on pivot and impact hands for 2 months and am having tremendous results. One "problem" I am having though is that I am bending the shaft so good on most shots that my 7 iron trajectory looks like a 5 iron. The shots are very crisp, and straight and fly the same distance, but it almost seems like they are too low. Is this a good problem to have or am I doing something wrong.

This is the best I have ever hit it..........
I think you're just bragging.........which is fine 'cause I'm strokin it right now too:) I'm in full hit mode and lovin it. To answer your question I've always hit a low ball and never really minded it. It could be your perception of low, if you used to flip maybe it's where it should have been the whole time?

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Since you've gotten rid of the flip, your ballflight is probably now on the proper trajectory for the amount of axis tilt you have.

If you want to hit it higher, instead of flipping and adding loft, add more axis tilt............."tip your teacup" as Brian would say.

Take your 7 iron and head to a field or driving range and find the tallest tree you can find and try to hit your seven iron over it without me the only way to accomplish this is to add axis tilt. Good Luck

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Get your right shoulder as deep down plane as possible. Check out Lee Buck in my avatar. Notice how his right shoulder is down plane and his left shoulder is up and back? Next, check out his spine or axis, see how it is tilted to the right? The more you can tilt to the right, the higher you can hit the ball.
This is a way to do exactly what you say: the excess of it will, of course, produce floaters. For a low penetrating trajectory, you need to minimize it. BULLETS come from a "leveler" posture. - hitting down onto the top back of the ball.

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Maybe someone else can chime in, but I don't think so, you've still got to get the club traveling down the correct plane. Upright or flat it doesn't matter.


What about adjusting my swing to make it more upright? Will that add loft to my shots.

You are obviously getting a lot of forward shaft lean at impact which is an enviable thing to achieve.The more forward lean,the lower your ball flight.If I were you I would not be changing the swing.

There are 2 things you could do the get more height.Position the ball an inch forward of where you have it now which will take some lean off the shaft provided you don't somehow compensate and get the same degree of lean with the new ball position.Or you can get a new set of irons with weaker lofts.Jesper Parnevik is a very strong iron player who uses weak lofts.I would probably go the latter approach as I would be getting some new toys as well as fixing my problem.

A lot of people don't realise that todays off the rack 5 iron loft is similar to a 7 iron loft of Hogan's era.We should go back to weaker lofts to encourage players to hit the ball correctly.
A lot of people don't realise that todays off the rack 5 iron loft is similar to a 7 iron loft of Hogan's era.We should go back to weaker lofts to encourage players to hit the ball correctly.

Probably 7 iron has nowadays loft of the 5 iron of Hogan's era?


Probably 7 iron has nowadays loft of the 5 iron of Hogan's era?

Yes,thanks for pointing that out.I got it the other way around.

Despite having weaker lofts than today,Hogan was still a low ball hitter.He really did deloft and get plenty of forward shaft lean which is crucial for good iron play.
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