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ok we are off to a good start with my promotion to golf media outlets.......250 is the number......anyway.....just for fun...i went to google search engine and put in BRIAN MANZELLA.........71,000 plus results........i read a few.....and i found 1 i wanted to share......if you are thinking about a lesson with is a quote from someone who took one..(or maybe more)..................................................I spent 2 hours with Brian Manzella in Louisville, KY last Friday. Is Brian as good as advertised? No, he is much better in person. He knows what you need to do, he knows more ways to get you to do them than you can imagine. Brian worked damn hard to find ways to get me to correctly perform the proper actions to get me to execute some of the imperatives he and TGM teach. Poor Brian narrowly avoided getting konked in the "coconut" more than once........... ok.....enough said.....go to google.....just put in...brian manzella...............anyway lets please get going on the names...........thats a please with a capital PLEASE.........................HJACK
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