Ricky1990 said:how many knuckles did hogan see on his left hand and right hand?
bantamben2 said:i think the best way to see how strong your grip is stand next to a mirror take your grip and take the club to the top so when you look at the mirror you can see yourself from a down the line view. With a flat left wrist use your right hand and twist the club in your left hand till the leading edge is parralell to your left arm. That will then be a nuetral grip. Then bring it back down to address and look a that grip and remember it. Then make slight adjustments stronger or weaker to suit what you want. if you look at pictures from down the line of the best players almost all of them have this parralell to left arm look maybe slightly off but well within the guidlines in my opinion of a nuetral grip. an example of a player that doesnt is trevino. Most players with strong grips though clubfaces still actually look parralel to the left arm except the left wrist is cupped at the top wich, but in almost all of these cases including trevino these people shift there target line 5-15 degrees or so right to accomadate the strong grip. Trevino had aproximately 10 degree closed clubface then shifted his plane line 8 degrees on the downswing and hit a push cut. witch is basically the same thing azinger duval couples do, just a compensation for there grip types wich has its advantages. try it for yourself take a weak grip grip and try to hit a push with it tough to do and hit it straight right without trying to square the face with your arms, then hit a pull alot easier to hit it straight although it will go staight pull. Stregthen your grip and try to hit a pull hard to hit it straight will pull hook but easy to hit a straight push. Basically grip has to downswing plane line so a nuetral grip works with a player who wants to hit it straight down his base line. stronger a player who wants to hit it straight push and weaker a player who wants to hit it straight left wich you almost never see most weaker grip players just try to hit it straight and use ther body or arms to try to square the clubface like curtis strange. just one way to compensate
rundmc said:Duval
Lee Buck
Zach Johnson
Mac O'Grady