In READING a putt...I more or less simply try to visualize the line. (like Bagger Vance style- if you have seen that movie) To me, all you can really do is make yourself aware of the contours, grain, and condition of the green and how they are gonna affect the putt. (that is mostly visual...but you do also have to know what to look for) The rest is a bit of a guesstimate mostly.
I know there is a (general) process I want to follow but mostly I just concern myself with being patient...and let my mind paint the picture.
Aside from process, my deal right now is I tend to read too much break into shorter putts. I have to mind that. (when to aim outside the hole)
In AIMING...I tend to want to be more specific. In the past I have had more success with (integrating "into the picture") straight lines and picking spots, ala Nicklaus. Though I am always trying stuff.
If anything worries me it is the fact that I am mixing. (straight and curved spots) I wonder if it confuses my brain. We shall see.
I think there are people who are naturally more oriented to one way or the other. (no jokes please) It couldn't hurt to experiment a little. (no jokes) I don't think it would be queer at all. (ahhh)
I am working on something right is still experimental but this is as good a time as any to write it down...
-stand behind ball...a few feet behind it or w/e
-get into putting stance...with BOTH eyes directly over the line, if you catch my drift
-look up and down the line (and possibly make a practice stroke)...find a specific spot to aim at, if that is your bag (I am not sure yet)
-shimmy SIDEWAYS towards the ball
So far it is showing eliminates the 90 degree turn you have to make when you approach the ball.
I still need to work on it some.