Grip and Ballflight Changing...

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Chris Sturgess

New member
I'm sure like me, some of you guys have gone from slicing the ball, back to hooking, to hitting it straight, back to slicing, etc. This may happen over the course of weeks or months while overcorrecting from the last fault. What's weird and frustrating is that my grip and swing slightly and gradually change from strong to neutral or semi weak as this is happening and when the grip and swing get to one extreme (the extreme isn't a duck hook or banana or anything, just a strong ballflight tendency) then it becomes very hard to hit the opposite shot. Like right now for me the ball just refuses to hook, aka my swing and grip refuse to work in a hook producing way when I try. Gripping it stronger feels incredibly weird. Yet, a few months ago I was gripping it strong hitting draws and hitting a fade was difficult. So how do I get back to the middle zone where I can work it either way comfortably? And how is a person supposed to manage these kind of shenanigans to prevent this from happening in the future?
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You have to check your grip before every will always get variable results if you have a variable grip...
Insist to yourself you will stay with the same grip, preferably neutral...
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