Grip Question

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Simple question: If a golfer's hands aren't "meaty" enough in the heel pad to really prop the club up (a la Hogan), should the club be placed more in the fingers or more in the palm?

Yes, we're talking about my hands here.

I thought it should be more in the fingers, but now I think the palm is the correct answer. All the way in the fingers and the club want's to twist far too much. The result is an uncontrollable face angle. If I put it in the palm of the left hand (still below life line, I'm not holding it like a putter), the face rotation is tempered.

Am I on the right track with this?

I was watching building blocks and Brian said "place the club, if you can, under the heel pad".

Um... so what if you can't?
Your grips may be too large. I have small hands too, and really need to work to keep the heel pad on top. If my left hand heel pad is not on top, my left wrist will not cock, resulting in my right wrist cocking, club opening... Watch NSA on the grip. The left heel pad needs to get on top, if your grips fit, you should be able to do it. I find it helpful to hook the left trigger first, and then place the heel pad on top. In my swing, the position of the left hand is not negotiable. On video, it is amazing how easy it is to lay the club off if the heel pad is not on top.
Good thought, but I already use standard size grips, .58 diameter, single wrap of tape. Any smaller and I'd need undersized grips. My hands aren't "small" either.. I just don't have a pudgy heel pad to fit the club into. Very lean hands.
I have VERY skinny hands (and they are fairly small). Getting the heel pad on the top of the club has nothing to do with the size shape of your hands. It's about leverage and placement. With my skinny hands I can still make the left hand grip that Brian demonstrates in NSA. I'd humbly recommend you re-watch that; I'm sure you can do it.
Yes if you have the club too much in the fingers the club will twist. I would doubt your hands are too small to grip it correctly and have the heel pad on top..unless you weigh 65lbs. My guess is you tend to have it too far in the fingers. Do this, Put your hands at your sides relaxed and standing, grab a club in your left hand with your hands at your sides, Jesse James gunslinger style(Brians not mine). To check it, hook it with the index finger only with the pad on top and lightly cock the club up and down while very lightly tapping it on the ground. If you don't have the heel pad on top the club will slide out in the palm. If the club is too deep in your hands(too close to the pinky finger) the club will try to find the right spot and slide under the heel pad better.
Same grip as in building blocks and SD?

I don't own NSA (because I'm a hooker).

Same grip as in building blocks.

As I understand it the left hand grip in SD is about 5 to 10 degrees stronger than "manzella neutral," which is taught in both NSA and building blocks.

But in any case, both the SD and the NSA grip have the heel pad on top of the club and the left hand grip is not a finger grip. So for the purposes of what you are working on, I don't think the slight difference between SD and NSA matters.
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