Grip Thickness

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Probably old, but does grip thickness influence ball flight. Like having a thin grip is good when you slice and a thick grip is good if you hook the ball? Or do these considerations not have any importance whatsoever, and if not, why?

One thing I have noticed over the years is the taper of the grip...We use tapered grip as are usually fitted by the manufacturer (probably for convenience)...I've noticed some pros tend to have the grip built up more under their right hand.
One guy told me years ago that ideally the grip should be the same thickness at both ends, so you can maintain the same pressure with both hands...


One thing I have noticed over the years is the taper of the grip...We use tapered grip as are usually fitted by the manufacturer (probably for convenience)...I've noticed some pros tend to have the grip built up more under their right hand.
One guy told me years ago that ideally the grip should be the same thickness at both ends, so you can maintain the same pressure with both hands...

As a custom clubmaker it is not unusual for me to be asked to build up the grip under one hand or the other. I gladly do this for the golfer for no extra charge. After all, the only physical contact you have with the club is through the grip. It should feel "right" to you for you the get the most out of your club.

The standard clubs you buy off of the shelf, even those very very expensive ones, use a grip the manufacturers expect will fit the most people AND are the cheapest they can get away with. Chances are it will not be the best for you.

As a custom clubmaker it is not unusual for me to be asked to build up the grip under one hand or the other. I gladly do this for the golfer for no extra charge. After all, the only physical contact you have with the club is through the grip. It should feel "right" to you for you the get the most out of your club.

The standard clubs you buy off of the shelf, even those very very expensive ones, use a grip the manufacturers expect will fit the most people AND are the cheapest they can get away with. Chances are it will not be the best for you.


Is there anything to this concept?
Do you have any exprience with these grips?..

Brian Manzella

I like 'em normal.

I am with Jim on this one. If it feels good, do it. But it took 600 years to come up with the modern golfer's grip, and it is BASED ON the taper.

Just DO IT RIGHT for goodness sake!
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