Gyroswing @ PGA Show, did you demo it?

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Those that went to the PGA Show...were you able to try the Gyroswing? If so, what did you think of it?

I gave it a look... kinda cool. It's a cheap way to have some good feedback. You can certainly feel if you open or close the club too much in the back swing. Due to the limited space I didn't hit any balls because the booth didn't have a net.

I did see one simple, awesome, teaching tool. It was a plastic j-shaped hook that came of a plastic ring (you wear on your ring finger) that makes you grip the club in the proper place in your left hand. Inexpensive and great for newbies.
Thanks for the reply. I didn't think you could hit balls with it. It doesn't look like it could take that kind of use.

Thanks again!

Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
I had a chance to demo the gyro as well...I didn't like the fact that it made you do funky things through the ball...what it did in the backswing was nice, but on the way down to impact not so nice...

Furthermore, I thought the weighted swing trainer was pretty good. Weight is attached to the shaft, just below the grip, and the weight can be positioned so that it makes you close the clubface more (or less--whatever you choose)...

Brian Manzella

I tried it.

I liked it, but the little device that Tom Bartlett bought, worked just as well.

The gyro made you make a open to the plane, close to the plane motion. So it was a pretty good "swivel-er."

I remembered the name of the "J-like" hook I saw.

The site is

Great thing for a beginner clinic! You can't help but hold it in the correct location of the left hand. They are kind of expensive for plastic gizmos.
Looks very interesting. I wonder how "heavy" the club feels with the device attached? I like that you can use it on all clubs. I may have to give this one a try. :)
duffix vs. gyro

I liked it, but the little device that Tom Bartlett bought, worked just as well.

The gyro made you make a open to the plane, close to the plane motion. So it was a pretty good "swivel-er."


The duffix trainer claims to help for cubface control. The gyro claims to help plane,clubface, and also will give you feedback on casting.

Were they overselling the gyro capabilities or does the duffix help in areas other than clubface?

The Gyro is a great help for someone who casts or has a poor plane. Really, I feel it is a great aid for average golfers with poor face rotation or poor plane. It is actually a bit exaggerated, although I feel that it helps a lot with a student that does not create lag. I feel that it helps you swing left after impact.

Dan Lockhart
Rick Smith Golf Academy Instructor
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