Handle dragging numbers?

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From a LM perspective, are there certain numbers (or groups of numbers) that are synonymous with handle dragging? Can HD'ing be reasonably recognized/diagnosed just from looking at the numbers?


Brian must have just looked up the numbers form my first lesson with him. I think I may be the poster child.

On a related note I have to send an additional thanks to Kevin. I was actually able to execute a couple of bunker shots today using the stuff he taught me. Sounds silly to most but I literally had no clue at all before he stepped in. I honestly think he thought I was kidding when I told him to pretend I was a total beginner.
It would be very interesting to see those numbers. Aside from quite a bit inside out, I bet they're pretty darn good.

Thats what I wonder because it seems like a swing that would send the plane well out to the right and he hits down so much I wonder what the computer would say.
There is very little down on that swing, he doesn't even touch the mat he is hitting off, plus looks like a lot of release.
"The Hat" stays closed with tons of arms swing in the transition. I would never call that a "tug" move. I also don't see any hold on drag with the handle. One should never allow a paused video to dictate what is happening in a full motion - especially during impact areas.


New member
"The Hat" stays closed with tons of arms swing in the transition. I would never call that a "tug" move. I also don't see any hold on drag with the handle. One should never allow a paused video to dictate what is happening in a full motion - especially during impact areas.

The Hat is just waiting the right moment to accelerate through the impact with all he got. Just opposite for kinetic chain theory. Wait, wait, wait FIRE!!
"The Hat" stays closed with tons of arms swing in the transition. I would never call that a "tug" move. I also don't see any hold on drag with the handle. One should never allow a paused video to dictate what is happening in a full motion - especially during impact areas.

Have you seen his video's? There definitely is a tug move, at least as far as I am understanding of what "tug" is. Its a pull down of the grip end of the club to accelerate, is this not handle dragging at its finest?
Have you seen his video's? There definitely is a tug move, at least as far as I am understanding of what "tug" is. Its a pull down of the grip end of the club to accelerate, is this not handle dragging at its finest?

You and I have different definitions of a handle dragger, I guess. No problem, to each his own.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Have you seen his video's? There definitely is a tug move, at least as far as I am understanding of what "tug" is. Its a pull down of the grip end of the club to accelerate, is this not handle dragging at its finest?

Is it being dragged along the circle in the direction of the club.....or hands dragging forward or "downplane"?
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