Hands Moving Pivot

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I'm talkin about in the downswing....

Even tho I hit the longest drive of my life using my hands....something seems different....

I don't feel like I can get the same axis tilt.....or maybe even as much power....

Any truth to this feel, or any reason for this? (i.e. something I can work on)
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Hi B_man,

When the weight of the swinging club hinges my wrists I'm ready to hit. I initiate the downswing by uncocking. I do this by Pushing Down with the left thumb which causes the right wrist to react back and down causing a rotation in the right wrist and right forearm. This in turn causes a deep pitch angle in the right forearm and ignites the left hip turn and right shoulder down movements. The axis tilt is a response to this chain of events.

Is this what you were asking about?
Thanks Spike.

I understand how Homer says the pivot should react to the movements of the hands.....and I think it's true because it obviously does......but I'm thinking maybe only to a degree...?....

I dunno....I just feel like I get more juice when I pull with my left shoulder than with my hands. That's what I feel anyway. (feel)
Paul, maybe when you pull with your left shoulder you clear your left side and your free to swing through but with your hands you dont clear your left side and dont get that feeling...Just a thought...joe
longest drive ever - but doesn't feel as strong... doesn't that mean that you have cracked it!!!

Maybe by "not as strong" you mean it felt as though you didn't mash it enough? Isn't that the state of enlightenment that Homer promised??

I'm not there yet but maybe you have got it!!!
Ya ya I know what you mean......longest drive I ever hit....(the conditions were right too but it still was a bomb)...

Dunno tho....just doesn't feel quite as stable and powerful to me for some reason (and using only the right forearm feels even more wimpy)....can't even put my finger quite on it....I think Axis Tilt and pulling with the left side vs. with the hands has something to do with it...

Dunno man.

I'm gonna fool around with it some more and see if I can come up with anything.
Think about what I am going to say and see if it makes a little sense.

Take a heavy club only by your right hand. and perform a downswing with a bend right wrist ,pitch elbow in front of your body pull the butt through.

Now move the pitch elbow deeper towards the target into the downswing. AND if you really understood the point hand controlled pivot. What would your shoulder do to support the pitch elbow and push the left shoulder up up in?

My take on it, as opposed to the way to pull the left shoulder up up in Using a pivot move (wallop using pivot) because most player did not clear the left shoulder enough. But actually they don't really understanding whats the support of the right shoulder do, why people need to tilt etc. Without understanding that, I guess the hands is still in college.

Generally. I deduced what the general public (maybe even pros) think after reading TGM and Ben Doyle. Very hard to understand the point of the support of right shoulder. They could not get it, therefore they couldn't clear the left shoulder, could not keep the extensor action, could not go back up on plane,THEN watch a video or in person Ben Doyle with a towel doing the wallop with Pivot and think . Oh ! thats the solution left shoulder up up and have to clear the pivot thay way in order to etc etc . I think they missed the point of what is a hand controlled pivot and support of the right shoulder( right shoulder have to go downplane and provide support).

You still can wallop using the pivot but will miss the points
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birdie_man said:
Thanks Spike.

I understand how Homer says the pivot should react to the movements of the hands.....and I think it's true because it obviously does......but I'm thinking maybe only to a degree...?....

I dunno....I just feel like I get more juice when I pull with my left shoulder than with my hands. That's what I feel anyway. (feel)

Welp, my good friend Paul Hart believes the left shoulder move is an extremely powerful move. I wonder if this is getting closer to all four barrels? BTW, where is he anyway? Havent heard much from him.
Justloveit said:
Think about what I am going to say and see if it makes a little sense.

Take a heavy club only by your right hand. and perform a downswing with a bend right wrist ,pitch elbow in front of your body pull the butt through.

Now move the pitch elbow deeper towards the target into the downswing. AND if you really understood the point hand controlled pivot. What would your shoulder do to support the pitch elbow and push the left shoulder up up in?

I just ordered the book today...but...until it gets here...What is "pitch elbow"??? How does it function?? How do you get it deeper towards the target?

Pitch elbow simply means a pitcher elbow. close to the hips.

When its pitch it will be in a position pull the right arms..

Deep simply means the right pitch elbow moves alot more towards your belly button

by the way , you are new to TGM. Study the basic. Not advisable to understand this first, i rather put it somewhere to use next time. And dont listen because I say so. Listen because it applies to you or you will be super confused. TGM book is like a bible, how the person interprete it can mean alot of things. You have to use the book how you study a bible in context.


What i meant by left shoulder up is that It is a good move ( not criticising it) and really powerful . However thats an entirely different thing from a right shoulder support and how it helps to clear a left shoulder. its a different point. One way to use the left shoulder naturally is by imagining that you apply the equal amount of force stepping down the leading foot ( your weight) as much as the force u put on the ball. It will snap your left shoulder upwards and I believe thats one way Tiger gets his tremendous power from.

Will it be better to add those 2 things ? I personally do not think too much about "stepping down" with a hand controlled swing it occurs pretty much naturally.
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One of the things I like about the pitch elbow is that it causes the right hip to stay back in the downswing.
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