Hank Haney .....seems to be a good guy.

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I read an article (interview) with Haney in Golf Internationl Magazine and from that, he seems to be a great guy!

He talked about many things (swing changes, Hogan, plane, quick fixes, etc, but, with respect to teaching he essentially says...there are many great teachers out there, but, the great ones are defined by the great players in there stable. Sometimes you get extremely lucky........and a Mark O'Meara drops into your facility one day.

Its basically a lotto-pick.
If you know anyone who has worked for him (assistants), ask them what they think. You may get a different opinion.

If you stay in the same place long enough, someone with some talent is bound to come your way. Haney was lucky enough to latch onto O'Meara.
quote:Originally posted by drewitgolf

If you know anyone who has worked for him (assistants), ask them what they think. You may get a different opinion.

If you stay in the same place long enough, someone with some talent is bound to come your way. Haney was lucky enough to latch onto O'Meara.

I "might" or it might be confirmed that he is a good guy. Do you have any insight?

If you stay in the same place long enough......NO, nothing is "bound to come your way"....its a combination of your true skill (people seek you out), marketing, AND Luck...to get a "sucessful" tour level student.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Brian has told me 1000 times....if you teach enough people (especially from juniors) and you're a good teacher, you SHOULD HAVE at least a few of them reach some kind of accomplishment level. Whether it be Tour level, amatuer level, etc etc
quote:Originally posted by 300Drive

quote:Originally posted by drewitgolf

If you know anyone who has worked for him (assistants), ask them what they think. You may get a different opinion.

If you stay in the same place long enough, someone with some talent is bound to come your way. Haney was lucky enough to latch onto O'Meara.

If you stay in the same place long enough......NO, nothing is "bound to come your way"....its a combination of your true skill (people seek you out), marketing, AND Luck...to get a "sucessful" tour level student.

It is a "old saying" amongst golf pros. A feeble attempt at humor.
I just thought it was big of him to admit his element of luck, and not talk about how great he or is ideas were. It was a cool interview. Of course, he has the luxury of having "made it" so, he can take that approach with ease.

Lisa Manzella

Manzella Golf Academy BrianManzella.com Administra
As far a Haney goes.....I'll talk about that soon enough.

But, what I said to Jim was this: If you taech long enough, and you don't produce a couple of real studs---then you can't teach.

As far as a 'name' teacher...they get literally 500 kids who can beat me, coming to them EVERY YEAR for the first time (some, like Leadbetter, get a lot more), they ALL ought to have DOZENS of guys on the PGA TOUR at any one time form this group.

But....NONE of 'em do.
quote:Originally posted by lmanzella

they ALL ought to have DOZENS of guys on the PGA TOUR at any one time form this group.

But....NONE of 'em do.

Its not that simple, nor that easy....Period. Its a rare combination of talent that make it to that level, without regard to how great the teacher may be. You HAVE to get lucky and have THE right guy walk into your stable......YOU can't MAKE it happen. NO ONE can.


I expect the name teachers do have dozens of students with the ballstriking skills to play on the tour. In a recent article Haney said there must be at least a thousand based on the number he has seen (he said they are "literally a dime a dozen"), but it takes a lot more than being a good student with a good swing to make it on the tour.


quote:Originally posted by lmanzella

As far a Haney goes.....I'll talk about that soon enough.

But, what I said to Jim was this: If you taech long enough, and you don't produce a couple of real studs---then you can't teach.

As far as a 'name' teacher...they get literally 500 kids who can beat me, coming to them EVERY YEAR for the first time (some, like Leadbetter, get a lot more), they ALL ought to have DOZENS of guys on the PGA TOUR at any one time form this group.

But....NONE of 'em do.

What do you mean Brian? Are they not performing because of the teaching? Where are the kids that are making it coming from? I personally think that Leadbetter and Co. know enough of the "right stuff" to take raw talent and make it tour-quality. However kids without that natural gift are not going to make it anywhere even with Leadbetter coaching.
When it comes to talent heading to the pro level.

The student makes the instructor. The instructor doesn't make the student. You either have it or you don't. An instructor can only activate the talent and hope they want it.
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