Heel pulls: diagnosis needed

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Been working for a while on swinging less under-plane and more to the left. It's been a struggle. Hit some good drivers at the range today, but the misses were in the heel and pulled. I've been described as a classic overdoer, so I wanted to check in to make sure I wasn't overdoing a good thing. Only thoughts right now are to take it up, left shoulder over right knee, drive the right shoulder at the ball. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Heel shots are typically a result of swinging too much inside out. It's pretty tough to hit it on the the toe when you are swinging out to right field (trust me I know!).

Inside out path = centered shots missing on the heel
Outside in = centered shots missing on the toe

As a fellow that gets way too much inside out or under plane you would be amazed how extreme it feels to swing to left field enough to do any good.
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