Hello everyone. I am a new member and this is my first post.
I hesitated to sign up since I would have been content just to browse. But I needed to acknowledge Brian for his help. Found Brian quite by accident on internet. Although I wasn't sure if Brian was "legit" he certainly was entertaining so I viewed all his YouTube episodes. The eureka moment was when Brain demonstrates the "firm left side". I always knew I have problems with a high right shoulder and insufficient open-hip at impact. I just thought it was either a flexibility issue or incorrect pivot. No instructors have ever pointed out the two are related and is related by axis tilt!
Driving range of my course just opened so I tried my new moves with a 7-iron. All my shots were 45 deg to the right and much higher in trajectory. I wasn't worried about hitting it right but was a little puzzled about the high trajectory. It was not ballooning so can't be excess back spin. Then it dawn on me that I must have also corrected my cupped left wrist through impact. I am for the first time hitting the ball with the true loft of the club!
The second day my body has adjusted to the changes and I was hitting a lot of balls straight. I made another observation: the club head seems to stay down much longer. The feeling is that if there is another ball placed couple of inches ahead I would have been able to hit it pretty good too.
I am now quite excited for the golf season to begin as I am sure this is a tremendous break through in my game.
So thank you Brian for your generosity and knowledge. By the way congratulation to the English Turn appointment.
I hesitated to sign up since I would have been content just to browse. But I needed to acknowledge Brian for his help. Found Brian quite by accident on internet. Although I wasn't sure if Brian was "legit" he certainly was entertaining so I viewed all his YouTube episodes. The eureka moment was when Brain demonstrates the "firm left side". I always knew I have problems with a high right shoulder and insufficient open-hip at impact. I just thought it was either a flexibility issue or incorrect pivot. No instructors have ever pointed out the two are related and is related by axis tilt!
Driving range of my course just opened so I tried my new moves with a 7-iron. All my shots were 45 deg to the right and much higher in trajectory. I wasn't worried about hitting it right but was a little puzzled about the high trajectory. It was not ballooning so can't be excess back spin. Then it dawn on me that I must have also corrected my cupped left wrist through impact. I am for the first time hitting the ball with the true loft of the club!
The second day my body has adjusted to the changes and I was hitting a lot of balls straight. I made another observation: the club head seems to stay down much longer. The feeling is that if there is another ball placed couple of inches ahead I would have been able to hit it pretty good too.
I am now quite excited for the golf season to begin as I am sure this is a tremendous break through in my game.
So thank you Brian for your generosity and knowledge. By the way congratulation to the English Turn appointment.