Hey guys, thanks for the advice, sorry it's taken me a little while to respond but I'm away from home and it's taken me some time to get to a computer.
Dariusz, I do a decent shift, I actually used to move laterally too much to the point where my left knee was closer to the target than my foot, but thanks though! =)
Twitch - That's interesting, I do seem to hit the ball a little better when ever i do (what feels to me to be) an over the top move when I try to move my right shoulder out and towards the target. Question though, I dont exactly follow the Manzella method, but I am a TGM student, if my right shoulder is nearly over the ball at impact (playing the ball about two balls or so inside of my left foot) would that not be too much shoulder turn at impact? I tried that and it feels more like I'm half way through my follow through
Puttmad - I like that drill, I've done that before and it was great at helping me in the begining. I keep my right foot down because my instructor and I found that I was raising the heel too quickly on the down swing which made me straighten up even more, so by keeping the heel down I've been able to keep my spine angle deeper into the down swing, but for some reason still find a way to straighten up right before or at P6 on the down swing even with my heel staying close to or on the ground. For the left hip, I do straighten the left leg but not until just before impact, I have often thought about trying to move my left hip even harder up and back earlier on the down swing, just kind of afraid to because I am of the mind with my current hand action (used to turning the club over quickly) that it would lead to a lot of hard snap hooks for a while.