help!!! hitting massive blocks and can't figure it out!

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I'm new here; need some help. Hitting blocks (and I mean right to rights) and snappers. I know I lift, I know I come under plane on the downswing, I just can't figure out how to not lift in the backswing. Get halfway back ok and just lift like a mofo (no doubt contributed by how thick I am) then cross the line, get under plane lower body becomes too stagnent and come up out of it.




Looks like some heel hits, but to make sure get some masking tape and put on the face and swing away. If heel hits are happening then try addressing the ball with the toe of the driver it will look real funny to you, use tape, just to make sure u are not hitting the heel.
I had a similar problem: decent swing but missing right. I concentrated on swinging my hands and arms (and club) while keeping my body more quiet. Also, I concentrated on more tumble. These two things fixed my block. I even hit a couple of nice draws which I haven't done in decades.
I think the easiest way might to get fitted. I learned the hard way. I was pulling almost every shots, after I got all my clubs flatten, it's fine.
I had a similar problem: decent swing but missing right. I concentrated on swinging my hands and arms (and club) while keeping my body more quiet. Also, I concentrated on more tumble. These two things fixed my block. I even hit a couple of nice draws which I haven't done in decades.

sorry for the dumb question; but what is tumble?
Do a "tumble" site search. I even found a 6 month old thread with a Tumble Drill Brian did at night on his back porch. It may describe and fix your block problem perfectly.
Could be the angle of the camera but it looked to me like you aimed there, made a decent swing, and then hit it there.
That doesn't sound good. Where should I start? Face, body or path ?

I think he meant start your search with learning about "tumble", and how it may relate to your swing. There's a ton on the Manzella site about it. I usually use Google to search his site. Here's a few things to get you started.

This is a nice video from Michael Jacobs explaining what tumble is:

And then a video from Brian that is a good one:

There is of course the epic Tumble thread:
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