Help me fix it!!!!

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I went out and video taped my swing yesterday and put it on the v1, uggg. 1.) I was swaying off the ball (losing my angle in my right leg). 2.) Over swinging, letting my left arm bend a bit to get back further. 3.) Swinging under plane. 4.) Of course I was not releasing the club, if I did not hold it off I would have hooked the ball off the face of the earth. 5.) Left foot spinout.

I was messing around with the S&T feeling last night in the living room window and liked how it kept me from swaying. I am going to try it today and video again with that feeling and see if that corrects any of the five problems I spotted. I will post it so you all can make fun of my move.
Nope, I have only seen his youtube videos...Well the S&T helped with the right leg angle I am still not happy with the release. I am trying to figure a way of frame by frame so you can really see what’s going on, for now here is another link to youtube. Let’s see how good you guys really are, fix my swing!!!

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Never Hook Again is in brians 1-4 video shorts. It is number 3, all the shorts come in one package.

It could be called: Never Hook Again, Never Swing Too Far Right Again, Never Push Again, etc etc.

It's all based around better players who are swaying, tilting too much, and coming underplane. It's basically what you need.
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