Help on backswing please

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I am a swinger and I am incorporating Brian's twist away move which does keep my left wrist flat at the top of my backswing. However, I can't seem to be able to "twist away" and rotate my forearms. Being a swinger, will I get into trouble by not rotating my forearms on the backswing? My results with the twist away are far better than my old fanning take away which rotated mny forearms, but cuppped my wrist at the top. Thanks in advance!

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You can use the twist-away and still swing...sorta. I did for a while, but once you really learn how to simply rotate your left arm to the plane with a flat left wrist, it's much easier to just do that and "swing" normally.

So you have an options...which is up to you.


the twist away move is by nature that of a hitter, the swinger uses a startup swivel, but as jim points out, it can be helpful for a swinger to learn the flat left wrist (especially when combined with extensor action)

Brian Manzella


You can do both!

Here's how:

In the takeaway, turn your left palm to the plane, getting the club toe up.

A you cock your left wrist with the club going toward your left thumb....apply a bit of twistaway.


You did both.


Ah yes.. the left thumb ;)

You may also wish to try a 10-2-D grip, which has the left hand in a strong, or 'pre turned', on plane condition, and the right palm at 90 degrees to the target line (interlock it is easier).

That will allow you to feel the 'on plane' wrist cock, as well as 'right wrist back' and make it very simple to maintain a flat left wrist and 'hammer the ball' on the inside back corner

Try to drill hitting a 'solid', low fade from that position and you'll find you can 'do less' during your swing, as well as keep the 'unit' of your hands, the wedges, 'set' with a bit of extensor action away from 'center'

maintaining lag is easy from this setup - 'down plane' force

clubFACE control is the trick with this grip - feel the 'wedge' and trace the plane with the 'tip of the triangle'


You can even do the Twistaway during the startdown -- a la last week's winner, Bart Bryant. As Brian states, fixing the clubface is necessary for before any true progress can happen. The great benefit of experimenting with the Twistaway -- in my opinion -- is that it gets you to understand, appreciate and monitor clubface position. You may find that it ceases to be a "Twistaway" and you come to think of it for what it really is -- clubface control.

You can do both!

Here's how:

In the takeaway, turn your left palm to the plane, getting the club toe up.

A you cock your left wrist with the club going toward your left thumb....apply a bit of twistaway.


You did both.

Are there any pros who do this move that I could watch?
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