Help! Proper Weight Management

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A guy whose advice has been really helpful to me emphasized trying to get my weight on the inside of my right foot. I'd been coming over the top and hitting pull hooks and was making myself "hit it to right field" or starting it farther right to compensate. He told me that with proper weight management, I'd stop coming over the top and wouldn't have to think about starting it out to the right. I'm finding, however, that worrying about moving my weight to the inside of the right foot is making me feel like I'm swaying too much--easier simply to minimize leg movement and start the ball out to the right. Could you guys offer any feedback on this? How is the proper leg/hip motion supposed to feel? When should I start to feel weight on the inside of the right foot and when should I move weight off of it?




Too much is made of weight shift in my opinion.

As you take the club back and up so the balance of your weight shifts over your trailing leg. Conversely, as you swing down and through that momentum will cause the balance of your weight to shift over to your leading leg.

Just make sure that at address your weight is evenly distributed over both feet and inclined more to the heels than the toes so that your down swing momentum does not pull you forward, off balance and into the ball.

All that apart, from your post it seems that your problem is more to do with starting your swing with your upper body, trailing side dominant, causing your trailing side shoulder to come out and over the top.

To correct this, your first move on your down swing should be to bring your trailing side upper arm into your side whilst making sure that your leading shoulder remains level with or behind the ball.

Here is a link which illustrates my point The Transition
I think about turning my upper body against my right leg, which maintains knee bend. There is no weight shift at all, just weight pressure changing because upper body is rotating against it.
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