Help steepening my backswing. video.

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I would love to here your thoughts on the correct way to steepen my backswing. I am already trying to steepen it in this swing. It's not really working.
Back your butt up against a wall, not a nice drywalled wall, and make your current backswing.
Now after you have smacked the wall a few times, make your backswing less inside and more up
until you can miss the wall. If you fold that right elbow in tight it will be harder to do.

PS: I am not an instructor and am just parroting the past.
Sometimes I can get too flat and the club will get heavy in a hurry. That swing is me trying to keep it steep. I do notice that tour pros seem to keep there right elbow higher a lot longer going back. When I do this however I feel very disconnected.
Yes Faux your right I need to re read that tumble thread it has some great info in it. I was working on keeping the left arm vertical at last parallel at this same range session. Something I got out of that tumble thread.

Lia I dont really have a single miss. It can be a push slice to a pull hook. I hit the ball straight about 70 % of the time the rest is a crap shoot.
I would hit a lot of balls with your feet together. Or on one foot or with your legs crossed. You need to learn to use your hands and arms. The swing is too locked up to your torso. I call this the club swinging you, not you swinging the club.
I would hit a lot of balls with your feet together. Or on one foot or with your legs crossed. You need to learn to use your hands and arms. The swing is too locked up to your torso. I call this the club swinging you, not you swinging the club.

Is this where the tug from the top comes from for some people? I'm working not tugging from the top, I feel like I'm successful when my arms are relaxed and feel really heavy. I feel like my body isn't doing as much it's mostly just my arms swinging up and down.
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Thank you guys for the replies. Here is a FO view. One thing I have been watching is to put the ball a bit further back and also making sure that the right foot is perpendicular to the target line at address. I was letting the right foot flare slightly out and I think it was letting my hips turn too much going back.
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